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“I feel like a fat ass in this dress,” Charla pouted taking in her appearance from all angles. Despite the holiday season she’d opted for a gold dress that would hide her growing baby bump behind a high-waisted skirt that flared out around her knees. To be safe she’d bought an amazing pair of gold leather flats. There had already been too many trips to the hospital during this pregnancy.

“You look fine. You know I wouldn’t let you escort me as arm candy if you didn’t look gorgeous,” Jase only half joked with her. “I even got a gold pocket square to match. But if I find a hot rich man honey, I’m changing it to match my eyes.” He held up a sapphire silk square and winked.

“Do what you gotta do, Jase. I’m just glad you agreed to come.” She hardly wanted to go to this thing but she had made a promise and unlike some people, she kept her promises. “Just remember our plan.”

Jase rolled his eyes heavenward. “Be a constant barrier between you and your baby daddy.” He laughed at her shocked expression. “Girl I cannot believe you sent him that paperwork. I might not be able to keep him away after that.”

“After what happened last time, I just need some backup.” She wasn’t scared of him, she realized, but she was wary.

Jase grabbed her hands and led her to the sofa. “Sweetie are you ready to admit that you love him, because you totally do.”

Her eyes closed and she bit back a cry. She did love him, “But I don’t want to Jase. He was awful to me and he thinks the worst of me. I’ve lived with that my whole life and I refuse to do it again.” Somewhere between angry tears, longing and a small fluttering in her belly, Charla realized she wanted more. She deserved more.

Jase talked the entire way up the mountain, distracting her from the evening ahead while enjoying the luxury of a hired car for the evening. “Don’t worry honey, I won’t get drunk enough to leave you on your own.”

She laughed and let him pull her from the car while a sharp wind cut her to the bone. Definitely not a good omen Granny, she silently grumbled. Happy to enter the resort and make their way to the nightclub on top of the mountain. Hilltop wasn’t your average nightclub with windows on all sides so revelers could see the mountain and the city at large. Private booths and alcoves were everywhere, allowing the rich and infamous a modicum of privacy in such a public spot. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed, taking in what she could see of the decorations she knew Rabiya had worked hard to put together. This job was big for her and Charla acknowledged she was both proud and glad to see her friend achieving her dreams.

“This place is extra swank,” Jase enthused, eyeing the couples dressed like angels in giant gilded cages hung from the ceiling. “I can’t decide if that’s hot or creepy.”

Charla laughed. “A little of both, I’d say.” The club was already packed, not surprising since it was nearly half past ten.

“I’ll go get us drinks,” Jase said but she gripped his arm tight at the sight of her friend making her way over with a wary smile. “Or not.”

“Charla I’m glad you’re alright.”

“I’m fine Rabiya,” she smiled tightly. “This place looks great.”

“I’m so happy you came, I thought you might not.” She moved from one foot to another, eyes darting nervously to the floor.

“I said I would be here and I meant it.” Unlike some people, hung in the air unspoken between them. “We can talk another time Rabi, you should enjoy this evening. You’ve earned it.”

Her brown eyes turned sad and she nodded. “Alright.” At the last minute she wrapped her arms around Charla and whispered, “I’m so sorry Char,” before darting off before her tears could be seen.

“That was painful,” Jase commented with a wry tone.

“It was okay I thought,” she said, letting him guide her to one of the plush chairs by the window. “A bottle of water please.” She didn’t want to risk spilling with the gyrating crowd tonight.

She watched Jase saunter off, looking so debonair in his suit she was sure he’d find a man or two to occupy his time. Or just his bed, she smiled to herself. Maybe it was wrong to keep him to herself all night. Just because she’d given up on love—for now—was no reason to deny him the chance, especially tonight of all nights. People were determined to reverse mistakes and bad decisions on the last night of the year, ready to forge a new path for the next year. When he comes back I’ll release him from responsibility, she promised and turned to look at the snow flakes falling to the already packed mountain.

Her thoughts inevitably turned to her own mistakes this year and the promises she’d made to herself and her baby to do better in the next year. Kasim still hadn’t returned the papers terminating his parental rights but that was a problem for another night.

“Is this seat taken,” a disembodied voice asked, and Charla was so lost in her own thoughts she just waved a dismissive hand in answer. “Good because I was hoping we could talk.”

The voice suddenly got a whole lot more familiar and she groaned before turning to see Kasim, looking like a model in his sharp black suit without a tie. Raven hair slicked back in a sleek do that was no match for the humidity inside the club. That little lock fell over one eye, giving him the appearance of a fallen angel. “Kasim,” she said primly, turning back to the far more interesting snowfall outside.

“How are you feeling?”

She sighed and cut him an icy glare. “Like you care Kasim. What is it that you want now?” She’d done everything to make this easy for him but the man insisted on torturing her.

“I’d like to start with an apology.”

“I don’t want or need your apology.” It was too late for that now, too much had happened between them.

“Maybe not, but you’re owed one. I’ve treated you horribly and I’ve no right to ask for your forgiveness because I know I haven’t earned it. I misjudged you Charla, in the most awful way and for that I am sorrier than I can say.”

Do not react, whatever you do.Her little pep talk didn’t work though, because she felt the familiar burn behind her eyes as tears threatened. Why did his apology—too late in coming—make her heart flutter? Why did hope swell in her chest at his words? “Apology accepted.” That was all she could say because she hadn’t expected even that much from him.

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