Page 19 of Savage Heart

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Kat kisses Gunner on the forehead before letting me take him from her arms. “Okay. I’ll just take a ten-minute nap.”

The twins are wrapped in matching white blankets adorned with little blue guitars.

“When’s Dave coming?”

Kat glances at the clock. “Didn’t I tell you?”


“They’ll all be here by the end of the week.”

By ‘all’ she means her band members in The Grinders will arrive too. A house full of people is on the horizon, and I can’t help but wonder how that will affect the dynamics.

“Will that make you happy?” I ask.

Kat’s smile is radiant. “Having them all here makes me happy, but I’m already happy with you and the twins... both sets.”

I bend down and kiss her softly on the lips. “Sleep. I’ll take a baby monitor with me, so if they stir, I’ll hear them.”

I go downstairs to the kitchen at the back of the house. Dirt is sitting at the dinner table, sipping what appears to be coffee.

“Hey, brother, what brings you out here?” I greet him.

Dirt smiles at me. “Wanted to talk to you but didn’t want to interrupt family time. I figured sooner or later you’d come down for caffeine or something stronger.”

“You made a pot of coffee?” I ask, noting the pot on the warmer.

“Yeah,” Dirt replies. “It’s been one of those days.”

I grab a mug from a cupboard, fill it, and sit across from him. “It sure has.”

“How are Kat and the kids?”

“All good. What have you learned?” I ask, wanting to get straight to the point.

“Guru thinks the money from the casinos isn’t adding up. I need to look into it, but it seems like King hasn’t kept an eye on things, and it’s short.”

Sipping my coffee, I lean back in my chair, contemplating the gravity of the situation. “And the missing members?”

Dirt’s expression darkens. “That’s a real thing. Chicago, Vegas, and New Jersey are missing members. I’m waiting on the others to come back to us.”

I can’t help but express my frustration. “Why didn’t anyone check in? Why are we only finding out about this now?”

Dirt shrugs. “It’s not easy for all the chapters to go straight. You heard King say the new MC muscling in is stealing his drug trade. I’d bet my last dollar that’s the real reason he came. Everyone knows you and Sal are tight. If he could discredit you, get you out, or worse, it paves the way for him to take over.”

I scoff at the notion. “Like fuck it does.”

Dirt raises his hands in a conciliatory gesture. “I’m not saying I want that to happen, but he’s come a long way to tell you something he could have communicated through the proper channels. The man disrespected you, and you did a dumb thing, my friend, by calling Sal family.”

“Sal is family.”

“I know,” Dirt acknowledges. “But you saying that in front of outsiders isn’t good. Have you spoken to Sal?”

“I’m waiting for him to ring me back.”

Dirt shakes his head and takes a contemplative sip of his coffee. “Not good.”

My cell phone rings and I look at the screen. It reads brother-in-law.
