Page 20 of Savage Heart

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I hold it up for Dirt to see. “Here he is now.” I slide my finger across the screen to answer the call. “Sal, how are you?”

“Good, Dane. Is Kat okay?”

“Yes, Kat and the twins are fine.”

He sighs. “Thank the gods. I was worried. What can I do you for?”

“Sal, we need to have a sit-down.”



“Hang on.”

There are muffled voices in the background, and after a moment, he comes back on the line. “We’ll be there tomorrow.”


“Emily and the children want to visit and meet the newest editions of our family.”

Resting a hand on the back of my neck, I say, “Now might not be the best time. There are lots of outsiders in town.”

“Are you saying we’re not welcome?”

“No,” I reply quickly. “Dave is coming in with Luther, and the band is coming in from all over.”

“We could stay at the motel in town, or you could rent us a cabin.”

“You’re family… you’ll stay with us. We have the room, but bring Tony with you.”

Tony is Sal’s personal bodyguard. He never goes anywhere without him, and me telling him to bring him should signal there is trouble in Tourmaline.

“I understand. We’ll leave as soon as we can.”


“Dane, should I be worried?”

Not wanting to say too much over an unsecured line, I say, “Safety in numbers.”

“Family will always look after family.”

“Yes, brother, love and loyalty.”

“See you tomorrow.” Sal ends the call.

“Well, that sounded as cryptic as fuck,” observes Dirt.

Putting the cell phone on the table, I say, “Yeah, needed him to know he might be walking into something and to bring more muscle, but also to let him know I will do my best to look after them.”

“Of course you will. Emily is your sister.”

“It’s not just Emily. There are the kids and Sal. Can you imagine the backlash if Sal was hurt by one of us here? It’s exactly what the Abruzzis would need to turn against us.”

“If money is going missing from the casinos, that’s Sal’s deal. He’s the one responsible.”

Frowning at Dirt’s implications, I slowly shake my head. “No way would Sal undercut us.”
