Page 34 of Savage Heart

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Rebel walks away from us, and Jonas and I exchange a knowing look, then turn our attention to King, who appears to be simmering with frustration on the other side of the room. The tension within the clubhouse is palpable.

The chapel door opens, and Dane and Sal emerge, both wearing smiles. Dane looks at me, and I raise my glass in a silent greeting. King rises from his chair, his face flushed with what I perceive as anger. Wanting to diffuse the situation, I walk to the center of the room and raise my glass in the air.

“Brothers!” I bellow, stomping my feet for emphasis. The room falls silent, all eyes on me. “I have good news. Tobias is awake.”

“Damn,” Jonas says, sidling up next to me. “You sure know how to work a room.”

“Thanks,” I reply, watching as King reluctantly eases back into his chair. But even as he raises his glass in toast, I can’t shake the feeling that this is far from over.

“Damn straight!” someone shouts, raising their glass in a toast to Tobias’ recovery.

The atmosphere in the room instantly shifts at my declaration. The tension is replaced with cheers, and King raises his glass higher, then takes a sip. His eyes drift from me to Dane, and his lips turn down. The man clearly wants to take what Dane has earned, but for as long as I’m this chapter’s Sergeant at Arms, that’s never going to happen.

“Hey,” Dane says, appearing at my side. The warmth of his hand on my back is a welcome contrast to the cold air that seems to radiate from King. “That’s great news about Tobias.”

“Sure is,” I reply, unable to keep the triumphant grin from spreading across my face. “He’s one tough son of a bitch.”

“Always has been,” Dane agrees, clapping me on the shoulder once more before stepping away. “Let’s celebrate? This calls for a round of drinks on me.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I nod, already feeling lighter, as though the weight of the past few days has been lifted from my shoulders.

But as I watch King in the corner of my eye, a shadow of unease still lingers. I know this reprieve is only temporary—the storm may have been diverted, but it still brews on the horizon.

“Cheers to Tobias’ recovery and to the battles that lie ahead,” Jonas says, sliding up next to me and clinking his glass against mine with a grin. “To Tobias.”

“Cheers,” I echo, and we drink to our brother.


It’s late when I enter the hospital, the harsh fluorescent lights overhead casting an eerie glow on the sterile, white-washed walls.

“Evening,” the security guard grunts with a slight lift of his chin, barely looking up from his desk as I pass.

I nod back, thankful for the lack of conversation tonight. The elevator doors open with an eerie silence. Stepping out onto the floor Tobias is on, I make my way to the dimly lit waiting room. Kade is there, hunched over, engrossed in his cell phone, the soft blue glow of the screen illuminating his tired face.

“Reading or playing a game?” I ask, my voice a hushed murmur in the otherwise quiet room.

Kade startles slightly, shoving his phone into his pocket. “A game.”

“Any change?”

“The doctors are happy. He’s awake, talking, and even had a meal. Tell me you’re here to relieve me?” Kade scrubs a hand down his face.

“Sorry, brother,” I reply with a half smile. “I’ve come to see Tobias and maybe convince his mother to leave the hospital for a few hours.”

Kade smirks knowingly. “She’s a good-looking woman.”

I shoot him a warning look. “Watch yourself, blondie.”

Kade chuckles, and I head for Tobias’ room, the soft sound of my footsteps echoing on the hard linoleum floors. When I enter the room, both Lore and Tobias are staring at me, their eyes heavy with fatigue and worry.

“Hey, man, how are you feeling?” I approach Tobias’ bed, offering a reassuring smile as I rest a hand on his mother’s shoulder.

Tobias manages a weak grin. “Like I got shot.”

I can’t help but chuckle. “Been there, done that,” I respond, my gaze shifting to Lore. “How are you holding up?”

Lore lets out a deep sigh, relief evident in her tired eyes. “Relieved.”
