Page 33 of Savage Heart

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“Do you trust him?”

I pause for a moment, considering the question. “I’m not sure.”

Sal raises an eyebrow at my uncertainty. “Coming from you, that’s a no.”

Walking into the chapel, Sal closes the door behind us as I systematically shut all the blinds, ensuring our conversation remains private. We take our seats at the table, with me settling in at the head and Sal to my left.

“What do you know?” I ask, my tone serious and focused, ready to discuss the matter at hand.

Sal leans back in the chair, his demeanor reflecting the weight of the information he’s about to share. “The man I left in charge of our operations in Las Vegas has been helping the Abruzzis. Apparently, they felt their cut wasn’t large enough. The old man is trying to squeeze me out.”

Sal is a captain in the Abruzzi Crime Family. They are stupid to undercut a loyal member of their family. Sal values loyalty and discretion above all else in matters of business. This betrayal will not sit well with him.

“And the missing MC members?”

Sal clasps his hands on the worn wooden table and looks down at them, his expression dark and concerned. “My man in Vegas... he confessed they have been eliminated. It’s a mess, and there’s only one course of action for me,” he pauses and looks me in the eyes. “For us. We must strike back.”

The gravity of the situation settles in, and I can’t help but feel a sense of urgency. This is more than just a power struggle—it’s a threat to our brotherhood.

“Do they know you know?”

Sal spreads his hand out and drags his shoulder up in a shrug. “Maybe? Probably? My man in Vegas has been removed, so they’ll be wondering what happened to him.”

Without saying it out loud, I understand Sal has dealt with the problem decisively. We’ve worked together for years now, and I know his men are loyal to him. For one of them to betray Sal would have cut deep, and for Sal to take such a drastic step would have shaken his trust in those closest to him, perhaps even me.

“Do you have doubts, brother?” I search his eyes for any signs of uncertainty.

Sal inhales and exhales slowly, his nostrils flaring. “About you? No. About some members of your MC? Perhaps.”

The tension in the room deepens as we contemplate the challenges ahead. It’s clear that the Abruzzis have not only infiltrated our territory but have sowed seeds of doubt and discord among our own ranks. This is a battle we can’t afford to lose for the sake of our brotherhood and the safety of our loved ones.

“What are we going to do going forward?”

Salvatore smiles at me, and if I didn’t know him, I’d swear he was getting ready to kill me.

“We wait,” he says, his voice carrying a sinister undercurrent. “Right now, they are filling their ranks to overthrow us, but there are still those in the Abruzzi ranks who will not cross me or you. We need to find those who are loyal, and when the time is right, we’ll strike.”

“War?” The word comes out of my mouth and leaves a bitterness in its wake.

It’s been many years since we’ve had bloodshed with our rivals. I had hoped I could keep the dogs of war at bay for the rest of my presidency. I’m older with a young family, and I have a lot to lose. The prospect of conflict hangs heavy in the air, and I can’t help but worry about the price that will be paid.

Chapter Nine


Taking the stairs two at a time, I enter the clubhouse, immediately sensing the charged atmosphere within. The chapel’s door is closed, and the blinds are drawn, creating an aura of secrecy and tension. In one corner, King sits with some of his men and a few of our members, all fixated on the chapel’s wooden door.

Jonas walks in behind me, and he also feels the tension. He cocks his head to the side and raises his eyebrows.

“Buy you a drink?”


We both nod at King, who gives us a chin lift. Standing side by side at the bar, Rebel puts two glasses in front of us and fills them with whiskey.

I twirl the glass in my hand, staring at the amber liquid. “Reb, things seem a bit tense?”

Rebel doesn’t meet my gaze but keeps his head down and wipes the glassware. “Dane and Sal are in the chapel. King was not invited to the talks. Seems like he’s not happy.”
