Page 48 of Savage Heart

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“What?” I bark into the receiver, my voice hoarse from interrupted slumber.

I can practically hear the hesitation on the other end of the line as they gather themselves.


“You called me, didn’t you? What’s the fucking time?”

“Sorry man, it’s Guru. I’ve been working all night, and I got something. Do you want me to hang up?”

Guru is the MC’s computer wizard. He’s new to us, transferring in from another chapter, and although he’s good with all things technical, his social skills need work.

“I’m awake now. Hit me.”

“Okay, so I was going through the bank accounts for the top members of the Vegas MC when I had an idea,” Guru says, his voice gaining speed with each word.

“Hang on.” Standing, I walk around the bed, kiss Lore, and pick up a pair of jeans.

“Coffee,” Lore mumbles without opening her eyes.

“On it.” I pull on my jeans, bend and kiss her again, and walk into the kitchen. “I’m back. But Guru, no technical babble, just get to the point.”

“Right, sorry.” He clears his throat. “Long story short, I found a series of payments going into a bank account.”

“Which member?” I ask gruffly, interrupting him.

“Not a member but a woman tied to the club.”

“That was smart of them. How the hell did you track who they are seeing?”

“I thought you didn’t want any technical babble?”

“Right, right.” I hit the button for the coffee machine. “Who’s she tied to?”

“Curtis Owen.”

Looking up at the ceiling, the name means nothing. “Who the fuck is Curtis Owen?”

“Bulldog, VP in Vegas.”

“Good work, Guru.”

“T-thanks,” Guru stammers, his gratitude palpable. “Sorry again for the early wake-up call.”

“Have you told anyone else?”

“You told me to ring you first, so no. Do you want me to tell anyone else?”

“No. Leave it with me.”

As I hang up, my thoughts race with the implications of Guru’s discovery.

Lives will change, and loyalties will be tested.

I groan and find a couple of mugs in the cupboard. Turning, I come face to face with Lore, the sight of her instantly calming the turmoil inside me. My hand instinctively reaches out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

“You should have stayed in bed.”

“It sounded important. Is everything okay?”

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