Page 55 of Savage Heart

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“For starters, how about you calm the fuck down?”

He steps back, shaking his head. “You poison everything you touch.”

“Brooks, what’s going on? Why are you behaving this way?”

Elizabeth stands next to me. “It’s my fault.”

Brooks points at her. “Don’t.”

Confused, I glance from one to the other.

“I’m not her.” Elizabeth’s voice holds a forcefulness to it. “I know you were attracted to me because I look like her, but I’m not Lore. I won’t leave. I love you. Can’t you see that?”

The anger seems to drain out of him as he stares at his wife. “I’m too old.”

“You’re not,” Elizabeth states.

“Too old for what?” I ask, confused.

Elizabeth, with her eyes on Brooks, says, “I’m pregnant.”

Brooks’ shoulders sag. “I can’t raise another child on my own.”

She holds up her hand and points to her wedding ring. “Married, remember? I’m not going anywhere. You once told me this meant I was bought and paid for. Well, that goes for you too.”

Suddenly feeling like a third wheel, I walk back into the hospital where Dirt is waiting.

“Is everything okay?” Dirt reaches for my hand.

“She pregnant. It’s why he’s been more of a prick than usual. A blind man can tell she looks like me but isn’t me. Seems like Brooks is scared he’s going to be a single dad all over again.”

“Tobias turned out okay.”

“Yeah, he did. He’s the best of us.”

With a tug on my hand, Dirt takes me back to Tobias.

Dane is standing at the foot of his bed, and they’re laughing.

When Tobias sees me, the laughter stops. “Is Dad okay?”

“Yes and no. You’re going to have a brother or a sister.”

“You’re pregnant?” Tobias exclaims.

“No. Elizabeth is. Jesus, son, I’m too old for that.”

Dane laughs. “I read a thing the other day where a woman in her seventies gave birth to twins.”

Quickly, I hold up my hands. “No way, no how!”

“Was I that bad?”

Reaching out, I put my hand on his chest. “No, honey, you were and are perfect, so why strive for another when I already have the best possible son in front of me.” Dane feigns gagging, and Dirt bursts into laughter. “Oh, shut up, you two.”

“You’ve gotta admit it was pretty soppy, Mom.”

“Pfft! It’s the truth.”
