Page 54 of Savage Heart

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“Lore, are you okay?”

“Yes. No. I will be.”

“Did you and Dad finally have it out?” Tobias asks.


“It’s okay, Mom. I know what he’s like.”

Collapsing into a nearby chair, I say, “You knew?”

“I’m a good study of the human race. It’s obvious Dad never got over you. Elizabeth is a testament to that.”

With my head in my hands, I mumble, “She looks like me.”

“Yeah, she does, but not in spirit. Elizabeth doesn’t have your backbone, and she does whatever Dad wants.”

“Why didn’t you tell me he was getting married?”

Tobias shrugs. “I knew you wouldn’t care. You moved on from Dad a long time ago.”

Brooks strides into the room. “You bitch!” Spittle flies from his lips.

“Dad, calm down.”

Dirt and Dane walk in. They each take one of Brooks’ arms and walk him backward out of the room without uttering a word.

“Don’t hurt him!” yells Tobias.

“They won’t.” I stand and walk to the doorway and stop to look at my son. He’s holding hands with Mel. “I’ll handle your father. You need to focus on yourself, on getting better."

He glances at me, a mix of concern and gratitude in his eyes. “But, Mom—”

“No buts,” I interrupt gently. “I’ve dealt with your father’s tantrums before. It’s time I put an end to them for good. You’ve got more important things to worry about right now.” Mel squeezes Tobias’ hand reassuringly, and I shoot him a supportive smile. “You just focus on healing.”

As I turn to leave, I catch a glimpse of Dirt and Dane outside the room, ensuring Brooks stays away. With a determined stride, I head toward Brooks, ready to confront the storm he’s brewing.

“Outside,” I state as I hit the button for the elevator.

“I will not be told—”

Dane grabs Brooks by his shirt collar, lifts him, and throws him through the elevator doors. “Sort out your shit with Lore, or you don’t get to come back and visit with your son.”

“I’ll call the police!”

Dane smirks. “Yeah, you go ahead and do that. Tell them Dane Reynolds and the Savage Angels say hello.”

Dirt stands beside me as the doors close, trapping all three of us inside.

Brooks’ nostrils flare as he looks at Dirt. “Why is he here?”

Dirt quirks an eyebrow. “I’m here in case the lady needs protecting.” He looks Brooks up and down. “But I’m pretty sure she can take you. You’re nothing special.”

A vein begins to pulse at Brooks’ temple, and his face turns red. The elevator announces we are on the ground floor, and he walks out, headed for the hospital’s exit.

Rushing to keep up with him, I grab his arm when we’re outside, and he abruptly turns toward me.

“What? What do you want, Lore?”
