Page 2 of Dane

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“What? Did my sister just say she loved me? Hold on, can you say it again so I can get it on tape?”

She smacks me and sticks her tongue out. “You’re so annoying. Gosh! You smell like oil. Haven’t you ever heard of a shower?”

That’s more like it. The banter. It’s our love language.

“Maybe I’d shower more if you weren’t in there every second of every day doing God knows what. Probably writing Greer Pitt on the mirror over and over again in lipstick until you perfect your signature.”

Her mouth falls wide open. I burst out laughing because I hit the nail on the head.

“You’re, like, the most annoyingest person I’ve ever known.”

I hold my hands over my chest, pretending to be in pain. “Ouch. That hurts. Or at least it would if annoyingest were an actual word, which it’s not.”

Greer lets out a huff at the same time as she stomps one of her feet. Another sign that makes me wonder about her. One of these days, I’m going to find the balls to ask her outright, but today is not the day. I’d like to keep my balls right where they are. Unbruised.

When she disappears into the house, I take a few steps out of the garage and look over at the rundown house next to ours. I spot Summer on the porch swing. Crying. My heart squeezes in my chest. I want to go pull her into my arms and hold her until all her sadness is gone. I can’t. I know she likes me, but we’ll only ever be friends. But I’m still going to fix this for her because I can’t stand seeing those tears in her eyes.


How could I have been so stupid? I should have known better. I should have hidden it in a better place. Now, my best friend is upset because I had to break the news to her that my father stole every dollar I’ve saved this past year so the two of us could go to prom together. I can’t believe this. Will my life always be like this?

No. Absolutely not. I have two months until graduation, then I’m leaving Pine Hollow. Even if it’s only for a couple of years for college. I’ll try to talk my mom into coming with me, but I know she won’t. I don’t understand why she chooses to be with a man like him. She deserves so much better. I do too. None of my friends have a dad like mine. I’ve always been so envious of the relationship Greer has with her dad. It’s obvious to everyone how much Frank Bennett loves his wife and kids. Hell, sometimes it feels like Mr. Bennett loves me as if I’m one of his own. Being over at their house is like being on vacation. I never want to leave.

I can’t get these stupid tears to stop falling as I pull my knees up to my chest and lower my head to rest on them. I don’t even have enough money to buy a ticket to prom, even if I still want to go and wear my regular clothes. But I wouldn’t want to do that. I’d be a laughingstock. More than I already am.


The deep, gritty voice is one I’d know from anywhere. It’s my favorite sound. A dirty secret even my best friend doesn’t know about. The last thing I want right now, though, is to hear that voice. If he sees my face, he’s going to be able to tell I’ve been crying.

“Summer,” he repeats, a little firmer this time.

A shiver courses through my body. I love it when he uses his firm voice on me. He doesn’t do it often. But it does things to me I can’t even explain.

Slowly, I lift my head to look at the beautiful man standing in my yard. He’s in his usual dirty T-shirt, jeans with oil stains on them, and a rag hanging out of the back pocket. His hands are dirty from all the hours he spends working on cars. If it were possible to be jealous of a car, I would be because Dane Bennett only seems to have eyes for an engine in need and definitely not for me. Not even a little bit. Believe me, I’ve tried. I’ve flirted with him so many times, I’ve lost count. He never takes the bait. I’ve caught him looking at me before. Caught him smiling my way when I’ve done something silly. I’ve even noticed him adjusting himself in his jeans after he watched me bend over to pick something up. But he never flirts back or acts interested in any other way.

He studies my face for several seconds. I squirm under his scrutiny. His jaw flexes, and though Dane isn’t typically an intimidating man, there’s something about him right now that scares me a little.

“My sister told me what happened,” he says.

My mouth drops open, and my cheeks heat with embarrassment. Why did Greer have to tell him? I can only imagine what the Bennett family already thinks of me and my parents, but now I want to start bawling all over again.

“I’m giving you five-hundred dollars to go buy your dress and dinner. I’ll arrange for a limo for you two, so the only thing you girls need to figure out is where you want to go eat.”

Did he seriously say what I think he said? Before I can clarify, he steps forward and pulls a bunch of bills from his wallet. When he holds out his hand, I stare at it, dumbfounded and embarrassed.

“Take it,” he says, thrusting his hand forward again.

“What? Dane. No. You can’t give me money.”

He raises an eyebrow and whoa, he’s more intimidating than I ever thought. I instantly squirm in my seat.

“Summer, take the money. This is your last year of high school. You and Greer deserve to go have fun. I’m not going to let your asshole father take that away from you.”

I lower my eyes and shake my head. “I’m not taking the money, Dane. Thank you for offering, but no. I’ll figure something else out.”

He takes several steps toward me. My breath catches in my throat.


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