Page 3 of Dane

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Instead of looking at him, I keep my eyes on his feet. I don’t want to see the pity in his eyes. He’s only offering because of his sister. He feels bad for me.

“Summer Avery,” he barks.

My head snaps up to meet his gaze. There’s no pity in his eyes. Just anger. But I don’t think it’s directed at me.

“Take the money, Little girl. No arguments.”

Little girl. He called me Little girl. I knew it. I knew he was a Daddy. There’s always been something about him that felt so Daddy.

I need to get it together. Stop thinking about him being a Daddy.

Yeah, right.

I’ve been thinking about him being a Daddy for years.

“I’m not taking it. I’ll figure it out, Dane. It’s not your job to fix it. I can do it myself.”

Crap. I don’t think he liked what I said.

He stomps forward, not stopping until he’s directly in front of me, less than a foot away. His eyes are dark, and his jaw is tense. There’s a vein in his neck that’s popping out. He looks hot as fuck. Add in the smell of motor oil and whatever aftershave he uses, and I’m practically drooling.

My impure thoughts are cut off when Dane reaches out and roughly cups my chin.

“Do I need to put you over my knee and spank some sense into you? Because I’m half tempted to do that right now.”

Holy shit. Dane Bennett just threatened to spank me. And my panties are wetter than they’ve ever been before, yet my mouth is so dry that I can’t form words.

He uses the moment to tuck the bills into the pocket of my jacket before he meets my gaze again.

“You’re taking the money. You’re going to get a hot-ass dress. You’re going to go in a limo with Greer to a fancy restaurant in the city; then you’re going to your prom, where you and my sister can dance the night away together and have the best time of your lives. I’m not letting your bastard of a father ruin this night for you. Do you understand me?”

The only sound I can make is a squeak, which seems to be enough of an answer for him. He releases my chin and takes a step back. And holy shit. There’s a bulge in his jeans. A huge bulge. Is that his cock? Is it hard? For me? Does Dane actually like me?

“Take the money to Greer and have her hold onto it until you guys go shopping,” he says after a moment of silence.

I flick my eyes away from his bulge because staring is rude. Oops. Hopefully, he didn’t notice.

On shaky legs, I rise from the porch swing and step down into the yard. Dane seems to wait until I catch up to him before he starts moving toward his house.

When we come to the driveway, he stops. “I’m headed back to the garage.”

I nod.

“Summer, look at me.” He waits until I do. “Good girl. I just want to make it clear that I want you to go have fun. The money means nothing to me. This prom means everything to you two. It makes me happy to be able to take care of you in this way. I want you to enjoy yourself. Okay? Promise me you’ll spend the money on a dress and whatever else you want?”

A fresh set of tears threaten to spill over again, so I nod and smile. “Thank you, Dane. It means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me.”

Crap. I probably said too much. Why don’t I just throw myself at him while I’m at it? Strip down, drop to my knees, and beg for his affection? Might as well go out with a bang, right?

He steps closer and wraps his hand around the back of my neck, squeezing gently. Then, ever so slowly, he presses a kiss to the top of my head.

“You mean a lot to me too, Summer. I can’t wait to see what dress you choose.”

Heat blooms in my tummy. He said I mean a lot to him. And he can’t wait to see my dress. He kissed the top of my head. He also threatened to spank me. Like a Daddy would. Like my Daddy would. Maybe there’s a chance he does have feelings for me. Maybe he wants me like I want him.

“We look so gorgeous!” Greer squeals.

I nod, unable to keep the grin off my face. I’ve never felt so beautiful. The deep red dress—the same as Dane’s classic muscle car—brushes the floor as I walk, and I feel like a princess. The bodice is tight, giving me an ample amount of cleavage. Not that it’s hard since I’m bustier than most of the girls my age. The skirt flares out in layers of tulle that gives it a Cinderella feel and hides my wide hips nicely.
