Page 60 of Dane

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“You’re overwhelmed. There’s been a lot to do the past couple of weeks. You’ve been doing so much, baby, and you haven’t been able to have time to relax. You need to surrender your control for a bit and let Daddy take over.”

I look around at the beautiful room. I’ve been in here a couple of times, but with everything going on the past month, my visits have been few and far between. Every time I’ve thought about coming in here, something has come up and I’ve put it off.

“I think what you need is a good cry so you can release all the icky feelings you’re having. Have you ever heard of maintenance spankings?”

My heart races as I nod. “Yes.”

“Good. I think what you need is to go over my lap for one. It’ll help you to let out your emotions while also reminding you of our dynamic, and it’ll be bonding time for us. Any objections?”

My bottom clenches, but I’ve heard about these kinds of spankings and how beneficial they can be for the submissive’s mental health. And even though I always feel close to Dane, I need the extra connection tonight.

“No,” I whisper.

He takes my hand and leads me to the oversized rocking chair. When he sits down, he moves me so I’m standing between his thighs, facing him.

“You know you’re not in trouble, right?”

I nod. “Yes. I know.”

“And you can still use your safeword at any time during this spanking.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. After this, I’m going to snuggle you. Then, I’m going to get you changed into a pair of pajamas, and we’re going to have pizza with your mom. When we’re done, we’re going to say goodnight and come up here so you can play for a bit before bedtime. I can keep an eye on your mom through the cameras. Okay?”

I sniffle, already feeling my emotions coming to the surface. “Okay, Daddy.”

He stares at me for a long moment before he guides me over his lap. As soon as he has me in position, he lifts my skirt and tugs down my panties. I squeeze my eyes shut, suddenly wondering if I made the wrong choice. But as soon as his palm lands on my bottom, it’s like a door opens and all the bad feelings pour out.


“I know, baby. I know. You’re doing so good. Daddy loves you so much. It makes me sad when my baby is sad.”

Tears burn my eyes as I nod. He peppers my bottom with sharp smacks that have me squirming and kicking. The entire time, he talks to me and tells me how proud he is, how much he loves me, how strong I am, and so much more.

I cry hard. I let the emotions pour out of me like a dam. My bottom is on fire, but I’m not thinking about that. I’m not thinking about anything other than the words he’s saying. All the busy crap that’s been bogging me down is gone.

He slows the spanking, rubbing my bottom between smacks. “Cry all you need to, baby. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Daddy’s got you.”

When he finally pulls me into his arms, I’m a snotty mess. He doesn’t flinch as he uses his shirt to wipe my face. Then, he leans back and starts to rock me.

It takes a while before my tears stop, and I’m left completely spent.

“How’s my girl?” he whispers.

I sniffle and run my hand over his chest. “I feel a lot better. I’m sorry I was so?—”

“There’s nothing to apologize for. It’s been a hectic few weeks for us, and I should have noticed sooner that you were struggling. I’m still trying to gauge when to step in and when to let you be. It’s a learning experience for both of us. I’ll pay closer attention going forward.”

Of course he would take the blame. My perfect, loving husband and Daddy.

“I missed our routine last night,” I whisper.

He stills for a second before starting to rock again. “From now on, no matter how late it is, we’ll make sure to do it. I missed it too. I felt off today, and I think it’s because we didn’t have that special time together last night.”

I melt into him and listen to his heartbeat. Even though I can’t hear my own, I know they’re beating in sync with each other. That’s how it works when you’re soulmates. Every part of you speaks to the other.

“I love you, Daddy. My bottom hurts, but I needed that.”

“I love you too, my baby. And I think after tonight, we’ll make maintenance spankings a regular thing.”

Well, crap.

He chuckles. “No comment?”

“I’ll probably regret saying it, but I think having them be a regular thing would be good.”

My bottom will probably hate them, but my heart, my mind, my body? They’ll thrive from it. And the best part of all? I know we’ll continue to make our relationship stronger and better with each passing day. Because he’s my Daddy and I’m his Little girl.
