Page 33 of His Wild Obsession

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“Ahh! He has her down the hall! He has her down the hall! In Daddy’s old office. Now, let me go,” she whimpered, but it was too late for her.

“On it,” Josef said, racing out the door in front of me, Marat on his heels.

“Let me go now. I told you,” Missy yelled, but it was too late for her.

“Finish it,” I commanded.

Missy Castle should never have fucked with me or mine. I nodded once towards Adelita, giving my permission for her to dole the lesson that woman needed to learn before I joined my head of security and brother in racing out of the room.

A scream followed by a loud blow resounded in the background. A few more and a familiar popping sound followed. But that did not concern me. My team was well-trained and very loyal—that happened when you paid like I did.

They were all handpicked by me. Each had a past, a history that made them unemployable elsewhere. I knew all their secrets and I kept them close. So no, I had no doubts whatsoever that they would do what I commanded.

It took three precious minutes to race down the hall to what was old man Castle’s office. Of course, we’d reconned the place before the first time any of us had ever stepped foot inside. A holdover from our criminal enterprise days, but smart, nonetheless. Josef reached the doors first, pulling them open. But I was inside before any of them, and I had that motherfucker by the throat before he could finish whatever he’d been attempting to do.

I turned my head to see Sofia shaking against the wall. Another man had had his hands on hers, holding her back, but Marat and Josef were on him.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

My eyes raked over her face, her body, then back to her tear-stained face. That motherfucker was going to pay. Anger filled me, made my vision red. Sofia gasped. She was shaking, but she nodded, and I noticed a red mark on her face.

“You hit my woman?” I turned slowly as I asked the question.

“No! No! It wasn’t me. It was Charles!” Matthew said, gasping and trying to get my fingers off his throat.

“You. Hit. My. Woman.”

My voice was guttural and deep, more animal than man. I spoke with my jaw clenched so hard, it was amazing any words came out at all. But I was holding on to control by a thread.

“Adrik, we can work this out?—”

I punched him in the gut before he could finish whatever garbage proposal he’d planned on making. Then, I pummeled his face, driving my closed fist into his pasty flesh again and again. Blow after blow, relentlessly, I hit him over and over the crunch of his nose and cheek bones breaking, then his teeth, echoed in the room. Blood spurted as I kept hitting him, but I did not stop. I could not. I hit him over and over again until his face was a bloody pulp, and he was dead weight in my grip.

“Adrik, that’s enough,” Marat said, grabbing my arm, and I almost hit him, too.

Luckily, I was not too far gone to remember who he was or where I was. The second I dropped what was left of Castle, I moved towards Zaika moya. She crumpled in my arms, sobbing against me.

“Get everyone out of here. Bring him and this soon to be dead motherfucker to the place. No more games. We take over Castle Corps now, tonight. Hostile as fuck,” I ordered between gritted teeth.

“Torch it?” Josef asked.

I nodded once, picking Sofia up in my arms and walking out the door to where my car waited. She was shivering uncontrollably, and I knew I should have washed the blood from my hands before touching her, but I could not spare the time. I had to get her home. Not to my penthouse, but to my home. I had to make sure she was safe. Needed to see it with my own eyes.

Murmuring to her in Russian for the duration of the twenty-minute drive to my own estate on the Long Island Sound, I ordered my men to double the guard and make sure we were not disturbed.

“Y-you can put me down. I can walk,” she said, but I squeezed her tighter as I took the stairs two at a time.

“Not on your life,” I told her.

The front door opened for me, and I barely looked at Esmerelda, my housekeeper before taking off for my bedroom. This was my real home. A modern mansion designed to my specifications. None of that old world opulence, but a sleeker design with built in tech that made this home a veritable fortress. I’d installed biometric security systems and employed armed guards who’d been with me for years.

Once safely ensconced in my bedroom, I carried Sofia to the adjoining bathroom and placed her sitting on the counter. Turning around, I started the bath, adding some salts and other fancy shit I’d never used. She watched me, her huge velvet eyes big in her pale face, and fuck, I wanted to kill him all over again.

I washed my hands in the sink, not even noticing the blood that circled the drain before I removed my jacket and shirt. I wore just an undershirt and my pants when I turned back to her.

“Come, Zaika,” I murmured, helping her to stand.

She allowed me to undress her, and I wanted to roar like a wounded beast at the marks they had left on her perfect skin. It was clear she had been slapped across the face. But it was the handprints on her wrist that infuriated me. I knew Josef and Marat would hold that fucker, the man named Charles, for me. And I could not wait to get my hands on him. But that would be later. After I made sure she was okay.
