Page 2 of Magnus

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A low growl rumbled in my chest before I could stop it.

Emmett raised an eyebrow. “Easy there, cuz. I know this is personal for you.”

“You're damn right it's personal,” I snapped.

Whoever we were dealing with was bold. Ruthless even. This wasn’t simply some low-level employee skimming petty cash. This person was risking a government contract and violating my inner sanctum, the very heart of Grizzly Guardians. They were threatening everything my family had built.

I stared at the paperwork, a deep unease twisting in my gut. This scheme ran deeper than I imagined. The traitor wasn’t only looking to enrich themselves. They wanted to gut Grizzly Guardians from the inside out.

I pushed up from my desk chair, straightening to my full six-five height and pacing to the window. A storm was brewing within these walls, and I didn’t know where or when it would strike next.

My fists clenched at my sides, claws digging into my palms. My bear stirred, eager to confront this threat. But I forced myself to take a deep breath, to think before reacting. Whoever had done this wanted to provoke me.

No, I needed to be smart about this. As the eldest Guardian brother, the responsibility ultimately fell to me. I had to hold this family and company together, no matter how difficult the trial.

Emmett placed a hand on my shoulder. “We'll figure this out, Magnus. I know it seems bad right now, but we've got the brains and brawn to beat this bastard. We just have to stay focused.”

I met his steadfast gaze and managed a tight nod. “No one messes with a grizzly's territory and gets away with it.”

Emmett grinned, cracking his knuckles. “You got it, boss man. I'll shake this place down to the studs if I have to.”

Whoever this traitor was, they'd threatened my company and my family. No force in heaven or earth would stop me from protecting my territory. I would find them and ensure they regretted the day they’d crossed a Guardian grizzly.

“You're sure they accessed my computer?”

Emmett nodded. “Found a ghost account registered under your login. Looks like they copied a batch of financial records and emails.”


“Two weeks back, late on a Friday when you'd left for the weekend.”

Clever. They knew I'd be gone and lowered their guard. But not clever enough to evade Emmett's skills.

“All right,” I said, reining in the fury and channeling it to focus. “We're ending this. Now. No more waiting, no more gathering evidence. We take action tonight.”

“Now you're speaking my language.” Emmett grinned. “What's the play?”

I returned to my desk chair, leaning forward. “You're going to send a fake email from my account. Announce an emergency budget meeting first thing tomorrow morning.”

"And you think our little rat will take the cheese..." Emmett nodded, catching on.

“Exactly. Their curiosity will be piqued, especially after accessing my files. They won't be able to resist showing up.”

I leaned back in my chair, the leather creaking under my weight, the predator in me quietly but intently surveying my domain. My fingers tapped an uneven rhythm on the desk, echoing the calculating thoughts.

“And when they do, we'll be waiting to slam the trap shut,” I finished.

My smile was more a baring of teeth than mirth. “No one steals from a Guardian. From our family. It's time to remind them what happens when you cross a grizzly.”

The thought of confrontation made my blood run hot. I'd never been one to lose control, but my bear was eager for justice. Ready to protect his territory.

“We'll make this right, Magnus,” Emmett said, serious now. “No one messes with you and gets away with it. Not on my watch.”

I gave him a grateful smile. “Or mine. Thank you for having my back, Emmett. Couldn't do this without you, cuz.”

He grinned. “Hey, what's family for? Now let's go bag us a rat.”

We shared a look of determination. After weeks of tracking clues, the end was finally in sight. By this time tomorrow, the traitor would be exposed and held accountable. My territory would be reclaimed.
