Page 3 of Magnus

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Emmett headed out to set the trap in motion, leaving me alone in my office—my inner sanctum—now tainted by betrayal. But soon, it would be clean again. I had a debt to collect, and nothing would stop me from seeking justice.

Chapter 2


Being a hacker kept me paid. I hid in the shadows. I kept to the dark little den I loved so much. But someone had found me two years ago. They knew who I was and had blackmailed me into infiltrating several companies, the latest of which was the Colorado branch of Grizzly Guardians.

I couldn’t allow my true identity to be revealed. Couldn’t risk exposure. My life would be in jeopardy. No matter how I laid this out, I’d be outed if I failed. With everything I’d managed to pull off, my blackmailers might out me anyway and watch from a distance as someone else killed me.

Swiping my hands down the front of my skirt, I took a deep breath and gave myself a small nod of encouragement. The people blackmailing me wanted funds and the blueprints for the new high-tech security program.

Getting a position at Grizzly Guardians Security hadn’t been a cakewalk, but my skills had spoken for themselves. But now, the work truly began.

I scanned my key card at the front desk and headed up to the IT office on the fifteenth floor. As the elevator doors swished open, a big, burly man stood in the corner of the elevator. I’d kept to myself since starting work here three months ago, but I was sure I’d remember a man who looked like him because, holy crap, he was gorgeous. I didn’t even know his name, but I felt a strange pull to him as if I knew him from somewhere.

He towered over me, a mountain of a man who looked like he could wrestle a bear and come out on top. His broad shoulders strained against the fabric of his tailored suit, hinting at the power coiled beneath. His dark hair fell shy of his collar, giving him a wild edge.

As my gaze roamed upward, I took in the beard, the strong nose, and the deep-set eyes that pierced my defenses. He had rawness and magnetism that spoke to an instinctive part of me, a part I usually kept locked away beneath layers of professionalism, self-control, and borrowed confidence.

In the confines of the elevator, his presence was magnified, almost suffocating. A subtle scent emanated from him, something oddly familiar and comforting. Alluring.

I swallowed hard. I was here on a mission—albeit one forced upon me—and couldn't afford distractions. Yet, as I stood under his silent scrutiny, I wrestled with a dangerous desire to lean closer to this stranger instead of stepping back.

"Floor?" His voice was a deep rumble.

"Um, fifteen," I replied without stuttering, surprised by how small and breathless my voice sounded.

He reached past me to press the button. His arm brushed mine, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine.

The elevator hummed its ascent through the building's spine as I tried to focus on anything but the man beside me. I studied the grid pattern on the floor and counted the number of fluorescent lights reflected in the metallic doors—anything to distract me from his proximity.

As the doors swished open and I stepped off the elevator, I suddenly realized who he was.

Turning quickly to say something to him, the doors shut in my face, closing slowly enough to catch a dark eyebrow slowly rising in amusement.

Shit. Magnus Guardian. Owner and CEO of Grizzly Guardians Security and the most powerful man in the building. Our paths hadn’t crossed until now. After all, I was one of many software techs in the IT department, blending into the background the way I was supposed to.

“That was a great way to introduce myself and make a great impression.” I was still talking to myself when the elevator doors re-opened.

Mr. Guardian stepped out and stopped in front of me. “It looked like you were going to say something before the doors closed.”

Clearing my throat, I threw my hand out and waited for him to shake it. He stared at it, and I swore I heard a low growl rumbling from within him. I straightened up and smiled. “Mila Andrews.”

"Magnus Guardian." He finally took my hand, dwarfing it in his. His grip was firm but careful—as if he were acutely aware of his strength and mindful not to use too much. "Mila." He repeated my name, rolling the “L” around his tongue in a way that had my lower stomach fluttering. “Strange that I haven’t seen you before. I pride myself on knowing all my employees.”

He released my hand, leaving me oddly cold and empty. A frisson of unease drifted along my spine at his words. Summoning a casual shrug, I replied, “I’m pretty new here and tend to keep to myself.”

Mr. Guardian’s dark brown eyes locked onto mine, giving me the impression he could see right through me. "As I’m sure you’re aware, we're like family here," he said with a slight tilt of his head that made a rogue curl fall across his forehead. "We look out for each other."

The words should have been comforting; instead, they settled like stones in my stomach. How could I betray these people who prided themselves on trust and loyalty?

I masked my inner turmoil with a polite smile. "It’s one of the reasons I love working here."

"If you need anything—anything at all—my office is on the top floor next to the meeting room." His eyes searched mine intently. “You’re aware we have a meeting in twenty minutes?”

Licking my suddenly dry lips, I nodded, surprised to see something flicker in his gaze. Disappointment? Anger? He blinked, and it was gone.

I wasn’t sure what this meeting was about, but it must be important for him to call the entire IT department to attend.
