Page 7 of Magnus

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His command rippled through me as he tugged my bra down, freeing my breasts. I mewled as his lips fastened on my nipple, drawing it deep into his hot mouth and laving it with his tongue. My breath came in gusts, and my hips moved without conscious thought as I sought release.

Taking that as his signal, Magnus moved his fingers again, twisting them slightly and sparking a new, devastating sensation.

“Good girl. That’s it. Ride my hand. Take what you need.”

His praise sent a wave of pleasure through me. The leg supporting my weight gave out, and he anchored me against him, my lighthouse in the storm he’d instigated. My pleasure built, pitching me toward an orgasm more intense than any I’d given myself.

“I can’t…” I shook my head, scared to succumb to something I knew would change me forever.

“Yes, you can,” he growled, his teeth grazing my nipple. “Come for me, Mila. Only me.”

My vision blurred, and stars danced before my eyes as my climax washed over me. I cried out over and over, my limbs trembling, my chest heaving with the force of my release. Electricity hummed over my skin, charging the air around us.

Dear God, I’d never experienced anything like it.

Magnus gently pulled his fingers from me, bringing them to his mouth and licking them clean. He straightened my panties and released my leg. I wobbled for a second before gaining my balance.

“You’re made for me, Mila. Only me. I’m the only one who will ever touch you like that,” he stated, hitting the button on the elevator.

It jerked into motion, bringing me back to reality with a vengeance. What the hell did I do? What did I allow him to do? I quickly buttoned my blouse and tucked it into my skirt, grasping for my lost composure.

My eyes held a challenge as I raised them to his. “I can let whoever I want touch me however I want.”

Magnus’s eyes darkened with anger and something else, something I couldn’t define. Before he could reply, the elevator doors opened, and he moved to the side, allowing me to exit.

The floor receptionist glanced at me and then Magnus, her expression curious. Did she notice my rumpled blouse and swollen mouth?

Summoning a polite smile, I turned to Magnus, still in the elevator, and said coolly, “I’ll get that information to you as soon as possible, Mr. Guardian.”

His answering smile was dark, causing my heart to skip. Good God, why was he so gorgeous? Why was I so drawn to him?

“Good. I’ll let you get back to work, Miss Andrews. And I expect you in my office at nine sharp tomorrow morning. Don’t be late. I’d hate to have to come looking for you.”

He winked as the doors closed slowly. Cocky bastard. His words were a warning not to run because he would find me. And I had no doubt he would.

The rest of the day passed in a daze as I considered my options. I could run, create a new alias, and head far from here. Maybe overseas. But I couldn’t forget Magnus’s warning. His cousin had uncovered information about me that I thought I’d hidden well. I had no doubt Magnus would use every resource at his fingertips to find me. No, I was going to have to face up to this. I was tired of running. Of always looking over my shoulder. Of wondering who was blackmailing me. I wanted answers too.

He expected me to be in his office tomorrow morning. He hadn’t exposed my crime to the cops. Yet. But I didn’t know where I stood. He’d mentioned using me for his own benefit. What did that entail? Did he want me to double-cross my blackmailers? Extract information from me? Did he expect sexual favors in exchange for his silence over my deception? No way was that happening.

Liar. You came apart all over his hand in an elevator.

And for some unknown reason, I couldn’t ignore the strange bond between Magnus and me. I didn’t know why, but something told me he wouldn’t hurt me. Call me naïve, but I believed he was a good man. He was certainly good with his fingers. And his mouth. His delicious scent still clung to me.

Heat bloomed low in my belly. What was this craving?

Magnus had woken something in me. Something primal. And I had a feeling only he could quench those newly discovered desires.

Pushing aside my troubling thoughts, I left the office and headed home. I drove to my apartment on the outskirts of Denver on autopilot, the scenery passing in a blur.

Stripping off my clothes, I headed for the bathroom to shower. My mind drifted back to Magnus as the hot water eased my weary muscles. Every inch I touched as I soaped myself only reminded me of the magic of his kisses, his caresses. He’d introduced me to a whole new world, and I wanted more. More of him.

I squeezed my thighs together, feeling like I would combust despite my earlier orgasm. I slid two fingers inside me, but it wasn’t enough. Nothing could compare to having his thick digits stretching and filling me. Nothing else had existed in that moment.

I pondered why he hadn’t fired me or had me arrested, even after I’d stolen from his company, albeit not for my own benefit.

Not this time, but what about all the others?

Did I feel bad I’d stolen from large corporations to support myself? Yes, and even my donations to kids’ charities hadn’t eased my conscience. As if behaving like some modern-day female version of Robin Hood would somehow balance the scales.
