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Since I knew, or rather I hoped, that she didn’t mean it, I pulled her into my arms and apologized for not getting to her sooner. “I am here for you always, Lara. I know that you will feel better soon, then we will be able to move forward together. It is going to take time.”

“I will feel better when I know that Jean Luc and the guy they sold me to are never going to come back.”

I told her that it would be arranged, and Lara said something that shocked me, but I knew that she meant it. “Can I be there?”

I agreed and I think I was more attracted to her in that moment than I should have been. I pulled her in for a light kiss and told her how good she felt in my arms. I never wanted her to doubt what she meant to me, because she meant a lot.

It wasn't time to do other things that we wanted to do either. She still needed some time to heal and because she wanted to see Jean Luc and see what happened to him, I figured that it would be better for us to do it together before we moved to the next level. I did not want her thinking about Jean Luc when we were together finally. I wanted it to be special and the only way that was going to happen was if they could take away some of the things that happened in her past. The last thing I wanted to do was think about it.

Lara made a whining sound and showed her displeasure. I was tempted to go back on my word, but instead, I stayed strong and turned her down. She wasn't too happy with me, but I promised that I would make it up to her soon. I was pretty sure she wanted me to make it up to her in the same way that I had before, but I just didn't have it in me to do that again. I had needed her so bad and to do that again would be torture.

“Please, Nicholas, don't leave me.”

She wanted me to lie down next to her and while I usually could, I didn't know if I could now. She had me all worked up and in need. Why couldn't she see that?

“If I don't leave, then I am going to do something that neither one of us is ready for,” I warned.

Lara bit her lower lip and asked me if that was such a bad thing. She was baiting me, trying to drive me crazy, and damned if she wasn't doing a very good job of it. When I said that there was no way that I could stay, she talked about how I kept the nightmares away. I knew she was being partly serious because I did seem to have a knack for that, but what did that mean? It just made everything more complicated, didn't it? I knew it made me more frustrated.

I promised to stay if she kept her hands to herself. I literally never thought that I would ever say that to a woman, especially not the one that I loved, but maybe that was why. If I didn't care about her, I couldn't show so much restraint. The restraint was painful, physically painful.

When I laid down next to Lara, I immediately knew that it was a bad decision. I laid on my back, just so she wouldn't try to spoon me because that was even worse. In this position, she moved on half of my body and left the secrets of my desires for myself. To have her sprawled over me wasn't easy, and if I would have been able to figure out a better position besides where I was, I would have. If she would have allowed my back to her, I would have done that. She had to know what she was doing to me.

“What am I going to do with you, Lara?” I didn’t see her shrug, but I felt the movement, and I knew that I was going to get a smart-ass answer. She told me that I could just give her what she wanted.

I said that we would both be in trouble if we did that. Lara scoffed at me, not liking my answer, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t slow down if I started and whether she thought she was ready or not, she wasn’t. I didn’t want to have to be the one to show her that.

Lara finally settled down in my arms, and I was able to at least breathe in and out freely again. Lara really did a number on my mind and body. When she was asleep, at least I knew that she couldn’t mess with me anymore. I didn’t think that Lara knew the power she had over me.

I left the bed not too long after she laid down. I couldn’t stand being that close to her for that long. It was clear to me that there was something going on. She wanted to heal herself with love and while I wished I could be all for it, I wasn’t as gentle feeling as I needed to be. I was so afraid of hurting her. I knew that she wouldn’t break, but I couldn’t be sure. Maybe it was me that still needed time to get through it, take care of Jean Luc, that sort of thing. He was under my thumb; he just didn’t know it. Everyone that had told me I was losing it and didn’t want to help, were now fighting to help me, but I didn’t think that it was going to take much longer calling in those favors. We could take care of him ourselves at any time and maybe that was the sort of healing that me and Lara needed.

When I came back to bed, I was feeling a bit better, and I was able to watch her sleep for a while. Surprisingly enough, I was able to fall asleep myself. I was tired and feeling all sorts of things, but I didn’t think it had anything to do with that. Instead, I think that because the wait was almost over, we both wanted the same thing, I could stand letting it work itself out.

I was awakened later on in the early morning, and Lara had climbed on top of me. I was lying on my back and I wasn’t ready for it. I tried to tell her to stop, but Lara was determined. I didn’t think she meant to wake me up until she had lowered herself slowly on top of me. My hips jerked upwards without me being able to stop them. She called out, and I was lost in wet tightness that suffocated me.

“What are you doing, Lara?”

“Making the move that both of us wanted you to make.”

Lara looked so proud of herself as she stared down at me. She held my hips as I tried to buck her off, making it hard for either one of us to do much more. I was dying inside when she made me push deeper and deeper. Her head went back in the perfect moment of pleasure that I was never going to get out of my head.

I was surrounded by her hot sheath. I looked up into her eyes, seeing the way she looked at me and knowing that I would never see a better sight in all of my life. It was impossible not to get excited. She felt so damn good, and I gritted my teeth to the need to slam upwards. I knew that I would soon enough, but I gave it a few minutes. I needed all that she had to offer, delaying what I would be unable to stop.



My eyes closed as he slid inside of me. The way that gravity just set me on top of him, I was able to call out several times before he gripped my hips and made me come. I didn’t even know he could do that so quickly. I was overwhelmed with his touch and the way I was able to lose it so completely. I knew that I had started things, but this first orgasm was harsh and my whole body shook with it. Maybe I wasn’t ready.

Nicholas’s eyes darkened as he throbbed inside of me. I think I could see the exact moment that it was too much for him. His eyes were the color of a stormy sea, and I couldn’t help melting in his arms. It was amazing how he made me feel. I was still on top of him, showing off my supple body, and his eyes adjusted to the darkness and sought out my flesh. He leaned me in enough so that he could kiss and suck on my nipples. All I could do was call out in pure bliss, loving every minute of his mouth on me and his need inside of me. Nicholas was overwhelming, but he felt so damn good.

I tried moving up and down on him, but he was so big and deep. He had me skewered where I sat on him. I was sure that at any moment I was going to lose it altogether. I didn’t know how I hadn’t already. He just felt so good, like he was supposed to be inside of me the whole time. I called out when I felt the desire that came over him and pushed him to start moving underneath me. I wasn’t doing it right apparently.

He grabbed my hips and I could see the desire was moving through him. He looked a bit determined and that was enough to make me wonder how it would all turn out. I wanted Nicholas to take over, but I feared what would happen when he did. Would I be able to handle it? I’d thought that it was just Nicholas being macho, but I should have known better. He was so damn big, stretching me wide, and I could tell from his expression that he didn’t have much longer that he was going to be able to hold back. He was ready to wile-out and that worried me. Would I be able to handle what came next? I worried that I wouldn’t be able to.

As he started to move me faster, I knew that I was going to have to hold on. I pushed my tits until his mouth and waited for him to start suckling on one of the nipples hard. Then, I pushed myself down onto him and let my hips roll in a rhythm against me. I was letting him get in as deep as he could and then holding on tight as pleasure ran through me. I had officially bit off far more than I could chew.

It wasn’t long at all before Nicholas had me on my back, and he was taking all control. He was right when he said that he wasn’t going to be able to stop. I didn’t want him to, but there was a look in Nicholas’s eyes that made him clearly out of touch with reality. He was focused on me, on sending me to new heights and he did so in spectacular fashion. I’d never been so turned on and ready to jump. I was on the edge of something, and I wanted to see what was at the bottom. I wanted to feel him there with me too.
