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He just moved faster, making it so that I couldn’t even say his name. I was stumped by it all of a sudden. My eyes closed and I kissed the lips that were brought down to me. Nicholas moved even deeper with the movement, and I tried to hold it together, but it felt damn near impossible. I called out his name, and I swear that the two of us became one for a time. Nicholas filled me with his seed and kept me pressed up against him for the longest time.

When I opened my eyes, I could feel him still throbbing inside of me. He was still so hard, pushing deep like he was trying to find out what was at the end. I moaned with his touch, the feel of him. Nicholas was everything that I knew he would be. He was also the first man that I’d been with in memory and that was how I was always going to see it. It had been amazing, without all of the pain that was supposed to come with a first time. Somehow, it just made it even better.

I waited for him to get smaller and slip out of me, but Nicholas wasn’t letting go of any of his virulence. He just stayed wedged inside, making me gasp, at the same time pulling me to relief. He said he wasn’t done with me, and I knew then that I was going to be in trouble because I was. I was languid, felt like I could go to sleep, but Nicholas had other ideas.

Nicholas started moving inside of me again and I whimpered at the feel. I was sore from his entrance and size, but I liked to watch him enter and retreat. It gave me a show for quite a while. I couldn’t keep my eyes from between our bodies. It was fascinating to watch, and I swear he grew as I watched him. It didn’t seem possible, but it was possible because I was witnessing it and feeling the difference inside of me. The more I tried to push the new feelings of pleasure aside, I couldn’t. I came in minutes and my body didn’t stop shaking from that point on. I wished that I was able to handle more, but I pushed back against his chest. I couldn’t take anymore. I was exhausted.

He seemed to know my limit better than me, slipping out and holding me in his arms. I had never felt so safe and secure in all my life and sleep came to me in seconds.

A while later I woke up. I didn’t know what time it was, but it was still dark outside. The window showed the moon still up, and I judged it to be before three in the morning. The time didn’t matter, as much as the body that I was up against. We were in mainly the same position that we’d been in before. He just wasn’t inside of me, though I would have given anything to have changed that.

I didn’t know why, but I became obsessed. It was all I could think about and like the time before, his body responded perfectly without any kind of help from him. This part of him I could control very easily and even though I wasn’t sure what would happen next, I knew that I wanted Nicholas inside of me again.

Settling in against him, I was ready and that helped nudge him back where Nicholas was supposed to be. His eyes popped open, and his hips surged all in one second. I cursed as he did so, filling me to new heights. I really wasn’t prepared for it.

He just had the biggest grin on his face and there was nothing I could do about it. His eyes locked with mine. “You are quite naughty, Lara, aren’t you?”

I didn’t know how to respond or if I could. He was pushing up from underneath, and I’d so quickly lost my grip on myself and what was going on between the two of us. I just knew that I needed him, needed to feel him inside of me again and once he took over, I was lost in the moment.

Nicholas kissed away all of my fears, and I was sure that he was everything that I needed in that moment. I tried my best to think of other things, anything else, but there was nothing that I could do. I could only just hold onto Nicholas and try my best to make him feel as good as he was making me feel. It didn’t take long to see that if I clinched myself tightly enough, he was left unable to focus on much of anything else. I liked when he was sidetracked, and he couldn’t help but lose his rhythm. It was a good thing, because I could barely keep up.

While one of his hands rubbed on all parts of my body, his other hand snaked around to my clit and started to rub on it with vigor. I couldn’t help the feelings that came over me. I screamed out in pleasure before the sound was ripped away with his hand over my mouth. This had all started as my idea, but once again, I wasn’t able to handle the way that Nicholas made it all feel. He had me feeling like I was going to lose myself. That’s the only way that I could describe it.

Seconds later, I did it, again. Nicholas’s touch was everywhere, and he was sending me to space with it. At some point I remember coming hard, but then nothing. As always, Nicholas was too overwhelming, and I lost myself in the midst of it. I was still in his arms, he was still inside of me, when everything went black.



Lara was back asleep in my arms, and I had to say that it was probably one of the best feelings that I'd ever had. I didn't know what had just happened between us, but I never wanted it to end. It wasn't how I saw it happening. I thought we would have more time, but if Lara had proved nothing else to me, it was that I didn't really have much of a say in this. I wanted to act like I did, but now it really didn't feel like it. She was controlling me with a flick of her head or a smile. I was not sure how I felt about her taking things into her hands, but how could I feel negative about something that made me feel so damn good? I tried to wrap my head around it, but it really did seem impossible.

Her brother was one of the first people that I saw in the morning. He had a look on his face like he knew exactly what we had been doing, and I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I was glad that he was okay with it, even said something about us being brothers, but we weren't getting married, especially not like right now or anything. I didn't say that out loud. He knew better, right? He was just joking, I hope.

Ashton looked at the world a little differently than I did. After his sister got taken, it must have felt like life was too short, and he had married Erin not too long after that.

I couldn't say that I didn't feel like that was where we were going, but I didn't want it to be something that we were rushed into. Not like I was getting rushed into everything lately. Lara pushed my hand the way she did. It had felt amazing, of course, and we had a great time, but it wasn't how I had seen it going down. I'd always known that we’d be together, I just thought that it would be when I was ready.

Ever since getting back to Bogalusa, my life had been so different than I thought it would be. I knew that civilian life was going to be hard to get used to, but as soon as I had a problem, just one problem, all I wanted to do was get my unit together and take care of it the way that I was trained to. I knew I couldn't do that anymore. I realize now that I needed to deal with it in a civilian way. Jean Luc, I wanted to kill him. Was that what Lara wanted? Was that what I needed because the soldier in me demanded retribution? How could I silence that? Did I even want to?

I had a lot of soul searching to do. I didn't know where it was going to take me, but I definitely needed to figure some things out. Civilian life was bringing out parts of me that needed to change. It was never easy to change.

I woke Lara up about a month after we were together the first time. I had a lot on my mind and one thing that I’d been thinking about a lot was getting Lara and me to the point where we could get married. There were things and people between us, namely Jean Luc. She said that she wanted to be there when he was taken care of, and I was going to do just that. The problem was that I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. I had an idea of what I thought should go down, but I knew that Lara felt differently about it. She said that she wanted to be there, but not for what was going to happen.

“Lara, it’s time to take a little trip.”

Her smile was stunning, and I felt bad because I realized that she wasn’t in the same state of mind as I was. She thought that we were going on vacation or something, so I had to make sure that she knew what this was. I didn’t like the change on her face that occurred. She visibly broke a bit, and I could see it. I didn’t like bringing Jean Luc back into her life. I felt so guilty over it.

“Where are we going?” She was so wide-eyed and happy. She was pulling me down on top of her, I didn’t even see it coming, and then I asked her what she was going to do. She just looked at me and kissed me again, pulling down on my neck until I gave her what she wanted. It was hard for me to see Lara in the same light as I had before, when I thought that she would hold onto her innocence. I thought that I wanted her to, but now I got to delight in her flirting and playfulness. It wasn’t something that I ever wanted to go away. What happened if she did something or witnessed something that she wasn’t supposed to? I worried about what that was going to mean.

I finally had to extricate myself from her grip. Lara was stronger than she looked, and it took a moment. I tried to tell her that we had somewhere to go, but it was hard. I knew what she wanted, Lara got this “look” in her eyes and it was staring back at me right now.

“Come on, we have to go.”

“Maybe we can stay here?” She suggested with that need in her eyes.

I refused to hear that. We needed to make the most of the moment, and it was going to happen whether we liked it or not.
