Page 11 of Beyond Fate

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It was such a loaded question. Especially after killing someone, after fighting, after the spike of adrenaline I’d felt earlier… I wanted nothing more than to lift him onto my kitchen counter and make a meal out of him. I could have fucked him all afternoon and into the night and probably still had energy to make him come one more time… but…

“It doesn’t matter what I want. You aren’t a commodity, Clay. You aren’t a possession. You don’t have to fuck someone just because they bought you.” I picked my words carefully, because telling him I couldn’t do it after I’d dreamed of him my entire life…


Some thoughts were better left in your head than said aloud, weren’t they?

Chapter 5


Getting time to myself was easier than it should have been. Jayce didn’t make me sleep in his room like I’d initially thought he would, even though that king-sized bed practically cried for more than one body in it. He put me in a guest room with red sheets and white walls, and I heard the sound of his door closing when he said goodnight.

Did he have security cameras? Or did he just trust me that much?

I couldn’t get the image of his split lip and busted ribs out of my head — I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he refused to let me help. I didn’t think it was from pride, but I did wonder if it was because no one had extended a kind hand to him before.

I didn’t have the time or space to worry about it, but I did have the wherewithal to get out of the house before I pulled out my phone — I was lucky he hadn’t taken it. With a sigh, I carefully snuck past his room. I only paused in the doorway for a second, but I could almost hear him breathing on the other side. It was strange. I wasn’t usually aware of another person in this capacity, but I was of him… I could feel him.

I shook the sensation as best I could and went to the front door. This was an obstacle. I was sure he’d locked it, and if it was a handprint scan, there was no way I was getting out without sounding an alarm. I needed another way, and my eyes drifted to the sliding doors by the kitchen.

There was no handprint sensor on those.

I carefully made my way across the room and peered out the door. The backyard was a fenced-in space that had a pool in the corner. His skin was tanned enough that it wouldn’t surprise me if he used it, but I couldn’t imagine him out there, leaning against the deck in nothing but a pair of swim trunks.

Or maybe I didn’t want to.

At least I had an excuse if he found me outside — I could tell him I was exploring, since it was fenced in and the door wasn’t locked. I could tell him I wanted to get to know the area if I was going to be living here for the rest of my life.

Is that what he intended?

Sorted out. He said it like he had a plan — did he want to sell me? He’d talked big talk about Nick and his men being incapable of finding my full potential.

I closed my eyes and turned my face to the sky; it was clear and cool out, and the soft breeze settled something in my chest. I didn’t need to worry — I wasn’t going to be here long enough to worry about that.

My eyes flashed back to the house again — the lights in the living room were off, and I hadn’t seen any movement through the sliding doors. I didn’t see any cameras out here, not that he couldn’t have micro security that I hadn't noticed.

I was going to have to be careful, and I didn’t trust my surroundings enough to make a call.

I pulled out my phone and flipped to my texts.


Change of plans.

I stared at the screen, wondering if my handler would be awake at this hour — he should be. If he wasn’t, he should have at least had his alerts on so he’d hear the message. It took a few seconds before his text popped back up, and I rolled my eyes at the name he’d had me program in. You’d think after centuries of the government having secret identities, they’d come up with something better.




I found out Marcus Holden has a son… and I’m with him now.

It took less than thirty seconds for my phone to vibrate, and I winced. My eyes turned back to the door, but there was still nothing. I pulled the cell to my ear and quickly spouted out the phrase to let him know I wasn’t safe.

“I couldn’t sleep.”
