Page 17 of Beyond Fate

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The physical reaction to my proximity alone was nearly enough to make me throw away my caution, but… no…

Not yet.

I moved until our bodies were pressed in one hot line — the space of our fingers between us was all that kept us apart, and it was fucking torture to press my hips forward against my hand instead of his.

But… it was bliss to see his eyes roll from the pressure. I could imagine what it felt like, my knuckles brushing against his cock, feeling him get even harder just from the small touch.

I wanted it so much I could taste it. I wanted it so much I could taste him — I wanted it so much, I couldn’t stop myself from shifting closer, until I could feel his heartbeat and his head craned up.

He looked at me with parted lips and flushed cheeks, and I couldn’t resist ghosting my mouth against his jawline. Clay’s free hand flew to my hair, urging me forward, begging for more. The taste of him on my tongue was intoxicating — he smelled like a mixture of my soap, my scent, and an undercurrent of something sweet that was unique to him. Temptation took me, and I let my free hand slide down to squeeze his bare thigh — the sound it brought out of him was pure sin.

“Is this what you wanted?” I whispered the words in a husky voice. I pulled back to see his answer, and the flare of triumph in his eyes didn’t match the way he whimpered the word yes and then sucked his lower lip into his mouth to hold in a moan when he rolled his hips forward against our joined hands.

I’d been worried he didn’t want this at all… but it was the opposite.

He wanted this too much, and I couldn’t tell why.

Was it an act?

Was it just lust?

Or… did he feel that strange tether between us the same way I did? That connection?

That need to prove that he was mine?

I pushed away from him in a quick motion, though the flush of his cheeks and the way his lower lip was slicked from him biting it made me want to step back. I wanted him more than I’d wanted anything in my entire life.

And I still didn’t know what he wanted from me.

I forced myself to take one step away from him, and then another. I knew my words came out still full of lust and sex, and I fucking knew he could see my cock hard in my pants. I couldn’t hide it, and I didn’t try.

But I did bring my fingers up to smooth my hair where he’d rumpled it, then carefully straightened out my shirt.

“Go put on your jeans.”

“What?” He sounded as dazed as I felt, and I burned to step back to him. Whatever he’d started this for, it was obvious he’d been caught up in his own game.

I just didn’t know what that game was, and I didn’t play if I didn’t know the rules.

“Go put on your jeans. You can keep the hoodie —” I wanted him to always wear my clothes, which was exactly the problem. “We’re going to buy you some shit, since you didn’t want to go back to your apartment.”

I turned before he could argue, turned before his flushed cheeks, his swollen lips, and the red imprint of my fingers on his thighs could tempt me into doing something we’d both regret.

Chapter 9


Icouldn’t believe him. We’d been right there, edging on some sensual cliff I was ready to dive from. I’d honestly forgotten that I was trying to seduce him in the moment, in his proximity, in the sensation of him being pressed so close to me. There was something so intoxicating about it, so fucking right, that I’d completely forgotten I had a mission at all.

Seeing him lose the control he’d so carefully clung to since the moment he’d brought me to his house was a victory — apparently one I’d celebrated too loud. That was the only reason I could think of for him pulling away.

The only reason I could think for Jayce not to be fucking me over his goddamn kitchen counter.

If I wasn’t so horny, I might have seen how it was sweet. I realized why he was doing it.

I just didn’t fucking care for the sweetness. I wanted the heat I’d seen behind his eyes, the hint of a predator I’d glimpsed when he stalked toward me.

I wanted to peel back the careful facade he’d erected in an attempt to make me feel comfortable so I could taste his danger.
