Page 27 of Beyond Fate

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“Fuck,” he growled when I pulled back, but I didn’t stay gone long enough for him to get out another word. I dropped my head and ran my tongue along the pulse in his throat, reveling in the way it tried to jump from beneath his skin to meet my touch.

I wanted to live in the feel of that beat, wrap it around me and forget all the reasons this couldn’t actually happen. My brain wasn’t thinking of that — I wasn’t sure I was thinking at all.

I was just feeling. God, it felt like the first time I’d really let myself get lost in anything. I barely had the sense to make sure I didn’t throw myself on top of him, but I couldn’t resist dropping my hand between us to stroke the muscles of his stomach, bunched with tension, and then dip lower into his boxers — he must have kicked off his pants while I was out of the room.

“Fuck.” Jayce hissed out the word again, and then gasped when he tried to roll his hips up to meet my touch.

The sound was only half pleasure, and it pulled me out of what I was doing.

Like he could tell, his eyes narrowed. “Don’t you dare.”

“I —”

“No.” He snapped the word out, and his hand circled my waist and pulled. If he hadn’t angled me so I fell against his good side, I probably would have stopped. But he held me against him, and I wasn’t touching anything that could hurt him…

And I couldn’t resist when I looked back up and those eyes — fuck, I really couldn’t believe I’d forgotten — were staring back at me.

“Jayce…” I murmured his name, rolling it on my tongue to see if it felt as familiar as looking at him. It didn’t, but the sound that tore from his chest when I squeezed the base of his cock and stroked up in a slow, deliberate motion did.

I knew the feel of him, and I knew the sensation of him leaning over and catching my mouth with his. He sucked my lower lip between his teeth and bit down gently, just enough to make me whimper — just enough to make my hand move faster.

My hips rolled of their own accord, and the feeling of rubbing myself against him was enough to make me whimper again. This was too much and not enough at the same time. A part of me wanted to go on my back, to my knees, to offer myself to him, so I could understand why I felt the need to be so flayed open and raw.

I wanted to understand why it felt like I needed him so much.

And if he hadn’t been injured, I was under no illusion that I wouldn't have done just that. As it was, I rocked against him in time with my palm, until a low growl tore from his throat and he suddenly rolled over to meet me. He winced again, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from dragging my pants down my hips, and it wasn’t enough to stop me from lifting so I could let him. I knew the medication I’d applied to his wound would make him heal faster than usual, but he was proving his physical prowess with just how quickly — or maybe it was just that he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

When he tried to mirror my stripping motion, I pushed his hands away and peeled him out of his boxers. It was sinful, seeing him with the skimpy fabric around his knees and his hard cock exposed to the cheap lighting of the room, but I couldn’t imagine looking away. I couldn’t imagine seeing anything but him staring at me with blue eyes gone dark — blue eyes gone wild and just a bit needy.

Blue eyes that burned while he kicked the clothes off the rest of the way and then urged me to flip around.

It took less than a second for me to realize what he wanted, and I nearly scrambled to strip and flip around so that the heat of his breath suddenly played against my aching cock.

It was perfect. I lolled my tongue out and licked a lazy line along his shaft, but Jayce wasn’t the type to play games. He took me to the back of his throat in one greedy gulp, and my hands on his hips spasmed when he swallowed around me. I could have died like that, and it probably would have been the happiest moment of my life.

I could have died with his tongue curling and sliding around my slit, and I would have truly thought I was in heaven. In that moment, I forgot my mission, I forgot my purpose, I forgot he was hurt. The only thing I could think of was how perfect it felt when he touched me.

It was useless, trying to match his pace — Jayce sucked cock like it was the only thing keeping him alive. He took me to the back of his throat and swallowed around me with more hunger than I’d ever experienced. The best I could do was wrap my arms around his hips and try to keep up. It left me gagging, left drool messily dribbling down my cheek — every time I made a helpless little noise, it seemed to spur him onward, and he’d swallow me again.

I could already feel my body racing toward a conclusion, a climax we’d been teasing around since the moment we met. This was everything, and this was only the beginning of everything. Something in the back of my mind knew that even though I’d been trying to avoid the truth of it all along, this was where I was supposed to be.

I drew him into the back of my throat and held him there as he slid one finger in a slow line – he stroked my taint with pressure that made me squirm before teasing at my clenched hole.

I wanted him — God, I wanted him. If my mouth hadn’t been full of cock, I would have begged him to fuck me. As it was, the sensation of that in tandem with him swallowing around me again was too much.

It was all too much.

I came with an attempt at shouting, but Jayce’s hips pumped once and cut the sound off with a gag. The second I felt myself start to spill into his mouth, he growled against me and thrust again — every little burst of liquid against his tongue made him pump his hips, made him suck harder, and then I felt his entire body go tense, stiff… and he flooded down the back of my throat.

The taste of him stained my tastebuds, filled my mouth, forced me to swallow or choke. I didn’t want to choke, and I didn’t want to lose any of what he was giving me. I licked and sucked and kept him between my lips until the last little burst of bitter saltiness landed on my curled tongue. Only then did I pull back… and only then did I realize he was trailing his lips in a soft, sweet line along my inner thigh, pressing sticky, warm kisses against my skin.

And… he’d busted a stitch.

“Fuck.” I reached up and touched it gently, but he just let out a little hum.

“Worth it.”

“It wasn’t…” I paused, because I couldn’t really lie, could I? My body felt like it was floating when I got up and turned. His lips were swollen and his eyes were heavy, but he looked…
