Page 28 of Beyond Fate

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Fuck, he looked sex rumpled and happy. It was the most sensual thing I’d ever seen.

“Are you okay?”

“Come here.” He wrapped his arms around me before I had a chance to protest about cleaning him up. “Just let me hold you.”

Let me hold you.

Why did this all seem like a dream I’d had before? And why was I helpless to resist crawling up until I was laid against his good side? Jayce threaded his fingers through my hair and drew me down until we were inches apart.

Staring into his eyes – eyes I knew I’d dreamed about – I couldn’t stop the words that came from my lips.

“Do you think two people are destined to meet, to be together over and over again, no matter what life they live?”

I’d never considered the concept of soulmates or fate, but how could I not ask when he’d dreamed of me, when I knew the way he was looking at me because I’d drawn it dozens of times?

“Maybe.” His fingers traced my jawline, and he searched my face, brushing his lips slowly against mine. “I know this feels right. You feel right.”

“I –” I didn’t know what to say to that. There was so much he didn’t know about me. So much I needed to tell him.

For just a second, his eyes flashed like he wanted to say something else, and then the corner of his mouth tugged into a smile. “Kiss me?”

My body moved of its own volition, and I nearly lost myself when his tongue slid between my lips, so the taste of our release suddenly mingled and mixed together.

When Jayce tried to pull me on top of him to deepen the kiss, I pushed back with a grin.

“No. No way. Let’s get you re-patched, and then you need to sleep.”

He pouted, but he didn’t stop me from getting up and cleaning the blood. The stitch was easy to fix, and the medication I’d given him was already knitting everything together nicely. He’d be fine.

He was going to be fine.

We were going to be fine.

I put away my supplies and hesitated at the edge of the bed. He didn’t have to ask — when Jayce held out his arms, I crawled back in beside him.

“Just for a little while.”

“Right… just for a little while.”

Still, when he drew me up against him and I laid my head down on his chest, I realized the rhythm of his heart was a song I’d known my entire life.

Chapter 12


“Fuck, I was off by a lifetime, wasn’t I?” The soft echo of Clay’s voice in my head had a floating quality that told me I was dreaming — but I’d had this dream before, and I knew I didn’t want to have it again. That didn’t stop me from looking down at the man in my arms.

He wasn’t bleeding — he looked fine. His hair was lighter than the Clay I knew, but his eyes were the same, bright hazel… except they weren’t bright when he looked up at me. They were dim, dulling. They were in pain, and they were filled with tears.

“Maybe in our next life, things will be different? It can be you and me. Maybe we’ll finally fit. Soulmates, right? So maybe…”

“Clay…” I whispered the word, but the tone wasn’t mine. It was huskier, angrier, it was…

I was…

I jerked myself out of the dream before the life drained from his eyes. At my chest, someone stirred, and my entire body froze.

He was here — he was still here, curled around me with one leg threaded between my own like he wanted to make sure I didn’t escape in the middle of the night. My sudden, startled movement didn’t wake him, though. After a second, he burrowed his face against my chest and settled again.
