Page 31 of Beyond Fate

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“Yeah, for now. I’m guessing this… what…?”

“Scrambled your signal. It’ll track you as going in the opposite direction for at least a few hours, depending on how expensive your tracker tech is. We can figure something out before it corrects itself.” He sounded pleased, and I flicked my eyes to his chest.

“What about you?”

He looked down.

“It’s fine, I —”

I ran the black box along his collarbone before he had time to protest, and pressed it into his hands as his information popped onto the screen. His eyes widened for a second, but he licked his lips and handed it back to me.

Clayton Black, 24.

Just like the background check we’d run on him.

“Are you ready?” I pocketed the thing and stood — the skin at my side stretched and pulled, but it felt much better than it should have.

“Yeah. Though…” I didn’t understand the heat in his eyes until I realized I was standing there in nothing but my boxers. “You might want to get dressed first. I’d hate to have to kill my neighbors.”

Chapter 13


We drove for two hours before Jayce decided we were far enough away to stop. I could tell he itched to keep going, maybe to drive straight to an airport, and I considered it for a moment. What would happen if I just left? We’d both have to cut out our trackers. We’d both have to start over…

Would he even be able to access his money without that chip?

Would we just live on the streets, or in some shitty apartment?

Why… why didn’t that sound like a terrible thing?

“Is this home?” It wasn’t anything special. It was a little bed and breakfast — I couldn’t imagine that Jayce’s father would ever put him up somewhere like this if he had a chance to decide. Maybe that was why he’d picked it — if he’d gone anywhere extravagant, anywhere that required a credit card to pay, it might have been easier to find us.

We’d already had to re-scan his chip again, and I was beginning to wonder if he was going to cut it out while I wasn’t looking. That was… a commitment. He was defying the orders of one of the most powerful men in the city. He was risking his life, his livelihood — he was risking everything because of me.

Because he dreamed of me.

I still didn’t understand what any of this meant, but I was patient. I could wait for answers, as long as I knew they were coming.

And I would make sure they were.

I was quiet while Jayce paid cash to check us in — apparently, he had an emergency box in the back of his car that had money, a change of clothes, and weapons. He really was a Holden. I had so many questions about that, too. There was no way I would have just missed him in my research, unless he was hidden away for a good reason. I guess on some level it made sense. When you were such a notorious figurehead, your family and successors were in just as much danger as you were — I could have believed it was that, wanting to protect him, but I’d seen how he sent Jayce home after he bought me.

He didn’t want to keep him safe.

Or maybe he wanted to keep him safe from everyone but him.

I didn’t want…

“Do you deal drugs, Jayce?” The question popped out as soon as he closed the door, and I was surprised when he answered immediately.


“Do you deal in trafficking? Murder, torture?” If he was being forthcoming…

“I don’t traffic people, and I only kill when I have to.”

My eyes narrowed. “Then how in the hell are you a Holden?” It was a fair question. And I probably could have asked it without stepping toward him and running my fingers gently along his jawline. “I don’t get it. You don’t seem…”
