Page 36 of Beyond Fate

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“Jayce… fuck. I —” He started to say something, maybe to demand I do more, but I caught his mouth with mine again and bit his lower lip.

I tasted his gasp. Tasted the pleasure on his tongue — he cried out, and the heat of his orgasm came out in a burst that I shifted my hand to catch.

It spattered wet and hot in my palm, and he was still shivering when I slid my hand between his thighs.

“What are you… mmm…” He spread his legs for me willingly and let me slick him with his own cum, and then clenched his thighs tight around my cock when I slipped it between his legs.

The friction was delicious — fucking against his ass was amazing, but feeling him clench, feeling his muscles still tremble from the pleasure I’d just given him was heaven. I teased his oversensitive cock with another stroke, and it made him cry out and arch his back.

As much as I would have liked to keep teasing him, I knew I didn’t have the willpower. Feeling him fuck back against me, feeling his body shake with how tight he clenched around me — the silky heat of his thighs enveloping my cock was too much. It was a filthy pantomime of what I wanted to do, and being able to see my hips thrusting against him was enough to drive me wild.

It wasn’t that, though, that pushed me over the edge. It was Clay turning his head, Clay looking at me with hazel eyes gone glassy with pleasure… and Clay, tangling his fingers in my hair to bring my mouth against his again. He whimpered against my lips, and I lost it. Orgasm ripped through me in a dizzying wave that left me gasping into his kiss, left me fucking and clenching his thighs hard enough I was afraid I’d leave bruises on the pale, creamy skin.

I only felt a little bad that I wanted to — that I wanted to see him bruised and marked up, made mine in a way that would linger even when I wasn’t touching him. I wanted to write my name on his skin for everyone to see, because I knew it. I could feel it.

Clay was mine.

Clay had always been mine.

The feel of my cum slicking and sliding to paint against his thighs was too much. I thrust once, twice… and then pulled him against me with arms that were shaking.

For a few minutes, we lay there silently and caught our breath. It was Clay who broke first.

“Now, imagine when we’re actually fucking…” My sudden burst of laughter made him move — he rolled to his back and drifted his fingers down the length of his body. It took me a second to realize he slid them through the mess between his thighs and brought the digit up to his mouth.

When a pretty pink tongue came out to lick away the liquid, I spilled forward and pressed our lips together again. I could taste us there, both of us — I could taste him tasting us.

It was too much.

It was never going to be enough.

We lay in the bed for a while, wrapped up in one another until Clay finally twined our fingers together and pulled me up.


“Shower. We need to take a shower, and then we need to move.” Though his body was loose from pleasure, I could see whatever desperation that I’d noticed earlier slowly starting to creep back into the edge of his gaze. I followed him into the bathroom and took the world’s quickest shower. I would have loved to stay in there with him, to touch him again, to make him come and fall apart and into my arms… but Clay was a man on a mission. I pulled on my clothes while he stepped into the room and started packing.

My hand on his arm stopped him as he pulled a shirt over his head.

“Clay.” He stilled beneath my touch. “Look… I don’t know what’s going on, but you can trust me. You know that, right? I can keep you safe.”

He laughed, but his eyes were just a little wide, just a little wild when he turned to look at me. “Can you keep us both safe, though? That’s the question.”

I frowned. I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I wasn’t willing to drop it. I’d run with him if that was what he wanted, but I needed to understand first.

“I’ll do whatever I have to if it means getting to keep you, Clay.” My fingers threaded through his hair, and he paused. I didn’t miss the small tremble that ran through his body, and didn’t miss the way he leaned into me. “You’re the only thing I’ve ever wanted to keep.”

For a moment, I couldn’t read his eyes. He searched my face like he could find the answers to the question he’d never asked me, and then he took a trembling breath and brought his hand up to cup my cheek.

“Jayce, I need to tell —” A loud sound brought both of us up short. I jerked upright, my hand already scrambling for a weapon. We were only half dressed, and I wasn’t ready.

I wasn’t ready for someone coming through the door.

I wasn’t ready for whatever Clay was about to say to be cut off, because it seemed like it was going to be important — it felt like the thing he’d been hiding from me all along, and he’d finally found the courage to tell me.

Most of all, I wasn’t ready for Nick to be standing there with a smirk on his face and a gun pointed at my chest.

Chapter 15
