Page 40 of Some Like It Spicy

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Barry, Xolani, and Elias were at Gazegas, seated by the bar, drinking and chatting. Actually, Elias was doing most of the chatting and drinking, while Xolani listened with rapt attention. Barry felt like the unwanted third wheel on what was supposed to be his reward night.

“… And then I told him I don’t care,” Elias excitedly narrated. His cheeks were already slightly pink from all the alcohol he’d drunk. “He can stick that time-sheet up his rump.”

Elias was talking about a conflict with another coworker, but Barry was too annoyed to even care who it was or even the details of the conflict.

“Nooo!” Xolani, who clearly cared, stared at Elias in goggle-eyed shock. “What did he say?”

“He threatened to report me to HR.” Elias laughed. “It’s been three days and I haven’t been called in. I’m assuming HR also decided that he was a nosy busybody who needs to find something to do with his time.”

Xolani warned, “He’ll make your life miserable from now on.”

“Let him try. I’m not scared.” Elias took a gulp of his drink. “The next time he brings up those stupid time-sheets out, I’ll list all the times I’ve come in early or stayed late because I was putting out Rayburn’s fires. Then we can start doing the math about how much overtime the company owes me.”

Elias tossed the rest of his bourbon down his throat in one shot, making it clear that he hadn’t been kidding when he’d said that he needed a drink.

However, Barry found it hard to be empathetic to the man’s plight at this moment. Not only had Elias inserted himself into a date that he wasn’t invited too, he’d also taken the seat between Barry and Xolani. That meant that Barry couldn’t see Xolani’s face properly without doing a lot of twisting and gymnastics.

So annoying!

“Do you want me to talk to him for you?” Xolani asked Elias. “He listens to me.”

The concern in her expression only irritated Barry further. He didn’t want her worrying over other men, or for that matter, smiling at them.

The memory of how she and Elias had been laughing as they emerged from the company building stabbed at him. They had looked close, like they shared a secret or too. To make matters worse, she’d been quite emphatic when introducing Barry as her friend.

What had she called him again? A very good friend.

Barry’s grip tightened around his glass. Why did she need to emphasize that they were friends to Elias? Was she interested in Elias?

An odd emotion began to boil in the pit of Barry’s stomach. He studied Xolani as she and Elias spoke. He was trying to see if there were any hidden feelings there.

“Barry?” Xolani was looking at him. “Do you want me to order you a fresh drink?”

He looked down at his glass only to realize that it was empty. When had that happened? He met Xolani’s gaze. “Just water this time.”

In his current mood, alcohol was a bad idea. If he got drunk, only God knows what would come out of his mouth.

Xolani called over the bartender and ordered a bottle of water for Barry. Then she went back to commiserating with Elias over his countless, boring, insignificant problems.

Barry nursed his water while only minimally contributing to the conversation. Xolani noticed and tried to draw him in, but Elias, that gnat, always found a way to bring the attention back to him.

Thankfully, the torture ended at eight when Xolani decided that Elias had had enough alcohol for a weekday.

“We can share an Uber,” Elias offered when they stepped outside into the street.

“I’m going the opposite direction,” Xolani said.

“I’m in the same direction with her,” Barry lied. That got him an eyebrow raise from Xolani, but she didn’t call him out.

“Cool.” Elias got into the cab he’d called for himself. “See you tomorrow, guys.”

“Bye.” Both Xolani and Barry waved him off.

Just then Xolani’s phone indicated that her cab had arrived. She and Barry found their driver soon after and settled in the backseat. They both gave their addresses and settled on Xolani being dropped off first.

As soon as the driver took his attention off them and started the car, Xolani turned to Barry, “Okay, what’s up?”

He stared steadily ahead. “What do you mean what’s up?”
