Page 41 of Some Like It Spicy

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She noted, “You’ve been really quiet tonight.”

“You noticed? I’m surprised.” He gave a half-laugh that held absolutely no amusement. “I thought you were focused on Elias.”

As soon as the words came out, he realized how petty he sounded. He wished he could take them back. But his mouth was determined to dig him into a grave.

He complained, “It’s funny that you accused me of being overfriendly with the opposite sex. Because from what I can see, you have the same flaw.”

“Are you saying I’m overfriendly? Me?” She looked at him like he’d lost his marbles. “With Elias? No way. He’s just a colleague… barely even a friend.”

Barry scowled at her. “Do you regularly drink with colleagues?”

“No, but_” She stopped talking. Humor filled her eyes as she studied him. “Barry Hale, are you jealous?”

“Wh- wh- what?” he blustered. “Absolutely not. I’m not jealous. Why would I be jealous?”

Xolani’s lips twitching with restrained laughter, she patted his thigh. “Okay, we’ll say you’re not jealous.”

“I’m not jealous. I’m really not,” Barry insisted. “I’m just… I’m just disappointed. Tonight was about you rewarding me for helping you out. But instead, I had to spend the night listening to Elias’s problems. And in the end, I’m the one who paid the bill.”

“Oh no! I forgot about that.” Xolani’s hand flew to her mouth. “I’m sorry. I ruined the night, didn’t I?”

Seeing how genuinely apologetic she was made him realize just how churlish he was being. Like a balloon being pricked, his temper cooled. His tone was much softer as he said, “Well, you didn’t ruin it. Elias did.”

“No, it was my fault.” She let her hand rest on his thigh again. “How can I make it up to you?”

Her touch was soothing yet arousing. It brought back the memories of how intimate they’d been on Saturday and how great it’d felt to hold and kiss her. All the desire he’d felt that night rushed in, and he suddenly felt unbearably hot.

His eyes lowered to her lips. “Do you really want to make it up to me?”

“Of course.” Xolani, who was clearly unaware of his dangerous thoughts, nodded. “However you want. Do you want us to go for another round of drinks? Or maybe we can do dinner_”

He leaned over and sealed his mouth to hers, swallowing the rest of her words. It was just a firm touch of his lips to hers, no movement. But it still startled her. When he pulled away from her, she was staring at him like a deer caught in the headlights.

He put his hand over the hand that she still had on his thigh and squeezed it even as he leaned over again. Her eyelids lowered as he came closer. By the time he touched his lips to hers, her eyes were closed as were his. Her lips parted slightly and her breath whispered against his lips. He took the opportunity to suckle on both her upper and lower lip then dip his tongue in for a brief taste.

Then he pulled away.

Her eyelids lifted and her heated gaze met his. It felt like they were the only people in the world. It felt like there was an invisible yet overwhelming energy pulsing between them. It felt like there was a magnet holding them hostage to each other.

“This is how I want you to make it up to me,” he murmured as they stared at each other. “Is that okay?”

She watched him for a long while then slowly shook her head. With a smile, he came back for more.

This time she was an active participant. Her hand came up to cup his face, and her lips moved over his just as enthusiastically as his moved over hers. Every kiss he gave, she returned with equal enthusiasm. He wondered if she’d be just as enthusiastic when they were doing other things.

A sudden clearing of the throat cut into the heavy silence between them. That sound yanked them right back to earth and reminded them that they weren’t alone.

Startled, they stopped kissing and looked in the direction of the sound. The cab driver was watching them through the rearview mirror. Though he didn’t say anything, his gaze screamed, ‘this isn’t a hotel room’.

Immediately, Barry and Xolani scooted away from each other. From her expression, it was clear that she was embarrassed. So was he. He’d been so engrossed in the moment that he’d even forgotten where they were.

“Sorry,” Barry said to the driver.

The driver only smiled and nodded.

Barry looked at Xolani only to find her staring out at the passing cars like her life depended on it. He reached over and took her hand. Startled, she stole a glance at him then went right back to looking out the window.

