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"Jane," I murmur, my hand moving, almost of its own accord, to the growing arousal between my legs. I can't help but imagine her soft hands on me, her warm breath against my skin, her lips trailing a path of fire across every inch of my body.

"Fuck," I groan, giving in to the temptation. My fingers move faster, stroking myself while my mind paints a vivid picture of Jane beneath me, her body writhing with pleasure as I take her, possess her completely.

I have become a master mastubator, the mere sight of Jane sending me into such a state every time I see her. I can’t help myself. She has me aching at all times.

"Ah, Jane," I whisper, the words spilling from my lips like a desperate prayer. "I want you...need you so much it hurts."

My fantasies grow darker, more explicit, my mind consumed by the thought of dominating Jane, making her submit to my every whim. And as I reach the peak of ecstasy, my body trembling with the force of my release, I know that I am lost, a slave to this twisted obsession that has taken hold of my heart.

"Your Majesty?" The voice startles me out of my dark reverie, and I realize with a jolt that I've been discovered, my secret laid bare for all to see. My face burns with shame, but the desire still rages within me, an insatiable hunger that threatens to consume me entirely.

"Leave me," I growl, turning away from the screen and the damning evidence of my weakness. "Now."

"Of course, Your Majesty," the servant replies, retreating quickly from the room.

Alone once more, I stare at the screen, Jane's image burned into my mind, unable to tear my gaze away from the object of my obsession.

The aftershocks of pleasure still course through my veins, leaving me both sated and empty. My chest heaves as I try to catch my breath, the weight of what I've just done settling onto my shoulders like an iron chain. I know that my desire for Jane can never be fulfilled, yet I cannot deny the power she holds over me.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath, disgusted with myself and the darkness that has taken root inside me. "This...this can't go on."

My gaze remains fixed on the screens, Jane's innocent beauty casting a spell I cannot break. With a heavy sigh, I force myself to look away, knowing that I must find a way to control the ever-growing wildfire of infatuation that threatens to swallow me whole.

"God help me," I whisper, the words tasting like ash on my tongue. "What have I become?"

And in the silence that follows, there is no answer—only the echo of my own broken heart, and the unquenchable thirst for something I can never truly possess.

The moonlight casts eerie shadows on my bedroom walls as I pace, the cold stone floor chilling me to the bone. My thoughts are a whirlwind, consumed by Jane's innocent beauty and my insatiable desire. The battle between duty and desire rages within me, tearing me apart.

"Fuck!" I hiss, pounding my fist against the wall. The pain barely registers, but it's nothing compared to the torment of knowing I can never have her.

"Your Majesty, is everything alright?" A servant stands hesitantly in the doorway, concern etched across their face.

"Get out," I snap, my voice harsh and ragged. They scurry away, leaving me alone once more with the demons clawing at my soul.

"Control yourself, Henry," I mutter, desperate to tame the raging inferno threatening to consume me. "You're a king, not some lovesick fool."

But no matter how hard I try, I can't quench the burning thirst that gnaws at me night and day. My body craves Jane's touch, my mind consumed by visions of her soft skin beneath my hands, her lips pressed to mine, our bodies tangled in a frenzied dance of passion.

"Jane," I whisper, the name a prayer and a curse. "What have you done to me?"

I close my eyes, trying to shut out the world and the cruel, unyielding grip of my obsession. But even in the darkness, I see her, her auburn hair cascading over her shoulders, her wide, innocent eyes gazing at me with a mixture of wonder and fear.





The flickering candlelight casts a sinister glow on the chamber walls. I hesitantly step inside, my heart pounding against my chest. The room is dimly lit and eerily quiet, aside from the sound of my own shallow breaths. Shadows dance across the lavish furnishings, teasing me with their elusive forms.

"Jane," a low, seductive voice whispers from the darkness, sending a shiver down my spine. Startled, I spin around to face the source of the sound, only to be met by a pair of piercing blue eyes hidden within the shadows.

"Who's there?" I ask, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and curiosity. Yet, deep down, I already know the answer.

Then, he steps out from his hiding place. His tall, imposing figure exudes authority, even in the dim light. My body responds to his presence, my knees growing weak as a primal need takes hold of me.
