Page 48 of Daring Enzo

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Jenna seems tentative. “Are you…will you keep it?”

I smile and touch my belly. “Yeah…I know this sounds crazy and the normal me would most likely never do this, but somehow, I want to. I want to have this child and raise it… despite all the changes I know it will bring.”

My friends share a moment of stunned silence.

“Wow…you’ve grown, Kelly,” Rachel says.

“I’m going to be an auntie!” Alessia exclaims as well, but quickly reels it in. “Sorry, I should let you finish.”

I chuckle lightly, understanding my friend’s excitement. If only it weren’t about to be dampened by bad news.

“I’m pretty excited too… but Enzo has been different since he found out the child is his. He’s been so CRAZY and controlling even more so than before.” I say in one breath. “There’s stuff going on with him… stuff about his life makes me believe WE won’t be safe with him. I don’t know what to do.”

“What do you mean?” Jenna asks.

“We fought after he found out I was pregnant. He didn’t even care the child might not be his. He immediately went straight to planning my life, telling me who to cut off and what to do. The weight of his demands is suffocating, guys. I want my child to be happy and free, with a dad who will care for him/her. Enzo just doesn’t seem like he could be the person for me. There’s too much at stake with him, especially now with this child.”

There’s life inside of me and it should come first.

“So, what do you want to do?” Louisa asks.

Silence ensues as I gather my thoughts. “I-I think I have to leave him.”

“Leave him?” Alessia asks.

“Yes,” I panic suddenly. “I know he’s your brother and I’m sorry to ask, Alessia, but you can’t tell him. Promise me you won’t. You know how he is. If he has any clue, he’ll never let us go and I can’t do this anymore.”

“Oh Kelly…” Her voice is warm and concerned.

“Please Alessia.” my voice breaks off.

“It’s alright, Kelly. I wish it didn’t have to come to this. Enzo is my brother. I love him and want him to be happy. In his fucked-up way, you make him happy. I also know he won’t change soon, and I can’t ask you to give up your happiness for him.

"Do whatever you think best, Kelly. I’ll support your decision no matter how much it pains me.”

“Me too,” Louise assures. “I’ve got your back.”

“I support your decision. Your priority is you and the kid growing inside of you. We’re with you every step of the way.”

“Thanks, guys,” I reply.

Later in the evening, I’m in my brightly lit apartment, Rimova lying open on the bed. Already some of my clothes have been neatly folded in it. My door opens, and Enzo steps in; his eyes look weary but his demeanor is chirpy.

“I got you some blackberries. I heard they are very good for pregnant women, and it helps with the cravings,” he says, holding out a white bag to me as he steps in.

I stared blankly at him with no reply. At this moment, he first notices the bag and what I’m doing.

“What is going on? Why do you have a suitcase out?” he asks. He tilted his head and looked confused.

His eyes trained on me, searching for answers. I sigh exasperatedly and meet his eyes with an unwavering gaze.

“We’re over, Enzo.”

“Over? Wait what? What do you mean?” he asks, every question coming out harsher and more astonished than the one preceding it.

“We’re done, Enzo,” I repeat in a monotone.

“But how can we be over?” His question comes out calmer this time. “We’re supposed to be a family and raise our kid together.”
