Page 150 of Mr. Monroe

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“I see that we’re a happy family,” the young doctor said, walking in, pumping hand sanitizer onto his palm, and rubbing his hands together.

“Our first family fight,” I laughed. “Thank you for doing an amazing job, saving our daughter and keeping my wife safe.”

He nodded, walking over to Nat to check her vitals. “I think I did pretty well, you know, for being in college and all?”

“You seriously look like you’re in high school,” Nat said. “I’m sure you must get that a lot. I mean, come on.”

“Not really. Just from you two.” He laughed and looked at me, “Spencer Monroe, correct?”

“Yes,” I answered. “You look familiar, Doc. Have we met?”

“I think so. I attended a medical conference in Palm Springs with Collin Brooks a while back. I believe Mitchell and Associates hosted it. You work for them, I think; is that right?”

“Yeah, you’re right,” I said. “I’m the VP.”

“Ah, well, I guess that makes you my boss, so it’s good I didn’t screw anything up today.”

I chuckled, “Jim Mitchell is the one who enjoys sitting on the hospital board. I avoid that like the plague.”

He nodded, then looked back at Nat, “Everything looks great, Natalia. I’ll check on you in the morning, but there should be no issues with a speedy recovery. You have a gorgeous, healthy little daughter who likes to steal the show; she’s a bit of an attention grabber, that one.”

“Like her mother,” Nat teased back.

“Very nice to meet you both.”

The doctor left, and I stood up and walked over to Nat. “I love you beyond words, and I’m so thankful for you, baby,” I said, bending over to kiss her. “Here’s to the rest of our lives.”

“And sleepless nights,” she added while I placed Angel in her arms.

“You sure you want to name her Angel? You might not be too keen on the name when she’s waking us up every three hours.”

“She’s our Angel, and she must be called what she is.”

“You’re right, my love,” I said as I gazed at the miracle we’d created. “No other name would do.”

After a few hours of soaking up our Angel, I texted our friend group, letting them know we had desserts at the hospital and a sweet baby girl for them to meet.

Never in a million years would I have guessed I would ever be this happy. I didn’t think it was physically possible until I met Natalia. We’d been through more highs and lows than I expected to face in such a short time—the highs being blissful and the lows being as dark as it gets—but I could’ve never imagined we’d end up here.

Nat and I had endured painful childhoods and managed to come together on the other side, whole and full of love despite the path our parents had laid out for us. The most important thing to me was my family now—my wife and daughter, who was hopefully the first of more children to come.

I would stop at nothing to give our children all the love and positive guidance in the world and show them how wonderful life can be when you find the perfect partner to share it with.

This was the way life was supposed to be lived.

The end.
