Page 104 of Dr. Aster

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He knew a lot more about this than I did because my parents made me think they were simply making annual contributions, not fucking bankrolling the place to use it as leverage against me to force me to do what they wanted.

Jesus Christ. The unsettling feeling I had after realizing what they were willing to do to get me to move home was scary. It was made worse by the thought that if they were willing to go so far over something so benign, what would they do when they found out I was in love with someone they deemed beneath my station?

Chapter Thirty-Seven


We’d finally made it to where the men sat at a restaurant table on the slopes in conversation, and when the guys saw us, they stood to greet us as we approached them in our ski gear and clunky, stiff boots.

“Hey,” John said, walking toward me while the ladies went to their men, “you look sexy as hell.”

He grabbed me around my waist and kissed me.

“You didn’t wait for us?” I teased. “And here I thought you were a gentleman?”

John smiled a smile warmer than the sun shining on the brilliant white snow.

“I figured by now,” he brought his lips to my ear, sending a wave of arousal through me, “you’d know that when it comes to you and me, I am the furthest thing from being a gentleman, especially in bed.”

I stepped back, needing the brisk air from the mountaintop to cool the heat building inside me, something that skiing may not even be able to take away if I let John continue with his low, sexy voice and devilish grin.

“Well, that’s a subject for when I’m not braced up in boots and strapping into skis so I can kick your handsome ass on a race down the mountain.”

“She’s competitive,” I heard Collin declare as Elena took her seat comfortably on his lap and picked through some leftover fries next to her. “That’s what we need since John’s pretty much a chicken shit on these slopes.”

I grinned at the doctor, his attention now on his wife’s smile and capturing her bottom lip friskily.

“Speak for yourself, Brooks,” John said, snatching my hand and leading me to an empty chair beside where he’d previously sat. “I’m not the one who faceplanted coming off that jump.”

I sat beside John and leaned forward, grabbing a menu intentionally left for us.

“You, Collin?” I heard Avery say as she sat to the left of her smirking husband, Jim. “The one who has done nothing but brag about what a badass you are, dominating any mountain?—”

“Dear God,” Jake said, after tucking Ashley under his arm while she stared intently at the menu he grabbed for her, “we could go on all day about how Collin should’ve been an Olympic skier and that it’s a shame for the U.S. Olympic ski team that he never pursued it, but we all know he would’ve never made the team.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it,” Collin defended himself.

I perused the menu, my growling stomach in search of something that would appease my appetite.

“Funny you all mention the Olympics because you’re sitting in the presence of someone who actually made the Olympic swim team,” John said, beaming at me proudly.

“No shit?” Jim said, pleasantly surprising me with his informality. It was the first time he’d seemed relaxed since I’d met him. If I was honest, I was beginning to wonder how someone as lively as Avery came to be with someone who seemed so reserved. It was just another reminder that not everyone was what they appeared to be on the outside, something I should’ve known by now after falling in love with John despite my reservations.

“The fucking swim team, eh?” Collin said with a smile. “Now that is impressive.”

As much as I loved talking about my achievements, sometimes I worried that it came off like I was bragging. So, now that I had everyone’s attention, I wasn’t sure how much to share without sounding pretentious.

“Ha,” I said, nodding when John pointed to the burger I was eyeballing on the menu when the waitress came with beers, asking if we were ready to order. “Well, as amazing as it sounds,” I nodded when John turned and asked if I wanted fries instead of soup with my burger as he placed my order for me, “it just wasn’t meant to be,” I finished with an honest smile.

“Well, from the way John’s been bragging about your expert resident doctor skills in the OB unit,” Jim said, “maybe there is a good reason the swim team didn’t work out. I do see things beyond what this guy likes to brag about.” He knowingly smirked at John, then sat back in his chair, wrapped his arm around Avery, and grinned. “Word on the Board of Directors of Saint John’s is that the Chief of OB is thrilled to have you on the team. He’s constantly going on about how impressed he is with you.”

My eyes widened with excitement. This was a monumental compliment and one I wasn’t expecting. “Wow, thank you for sharing that,” I said with a smile as our drinks were placed before us. I picked mine up and raised it playfully to the group, and everyone smiled and followed suit, “Well, here’s to not giving up.”

There were many times I wanted to wallow in self-pity that the car accident ruined my chances to go for the gold, and I never thought I’d get past it. It took a long time to follow my dad’s advice, and know that once I applied myself elsewhere, I could prove to myself that I had many accomplishments left to make. I could do anything I set my heart to, and I didn’t need a gold medal to prove that.

And here I was, having a fun lunch on a fantastic ski trip with people I enjoyed, being told by an executive on the hospital board that they were happy they hired me.

“Don’t get too cocky,” Jake smirked. “We don’t need another Collin working at the place.”

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