Page 115 of Dr. Aster

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I could’ve passed on this whole thing, sat this one out, and allowed John’s and my relationship to develop more before I did a skydive with no parachute by deciding it was a good idea to meet his family like this. Still, we’d thrown caution to the wind for most of the time we’d been together. Why stop now?

Where is he? I thought, looking at my smart watch and taking the second glass of champagne I’d been offered.

Here I was, mingling with hotel guests in Monte Carlo. I couldn’t determine if everyone here was a wedding guest or just regular people (assuming people who went to Monte Carlo could ever be referred to as regular), but I felt entirely out of my element, terrified to think this might be my company for the next few days.

I swallowed the lump in my throat that’d formed after seeing everyone walk around looking like the peak of fashion and class, making me feel like an absolute country bumpkin in my casual blazer, jeans, and loafers.

At least you didn’t wear your sweatpants on the plane.

“And here I thought the view of the Mediterranean could never be matched,” I heard John say.

I turned and smiled at the familiar face, filled with relief and comfort to see someone I knew. He’d flown out a few days before me to be with his brother, which was fine with me. I needed to work as long as possible to justify taking more time off.

“You cold, baby?” John asked, walking to where I’d turned to face him, hugging myself to keep as warm as possible.

“I’m used to Southern California’s temperature in January, I guess,” I chuckled, leaning my lips up for a much-needed kiss.

“I’ve missed your sexy ass,” he said, enclosing his arms around me.

I melted into John’s arms, relaxing more in the comfort of him being here, and loved that his dark gray sport coat was a lovely thick wool that trapped more body heat in it.

John was a class act, wearing black trousers, a black button-down shirt, and his sport coat. I’d like to say he and I were overdressed, but we were far from it. We were surrounded by men donning white gloves, black suits, and long black overcoats, and women in silk gowns, complemented by what was likely real furs to keep them warm.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I’m doing pretty good. I wish I could’ve slept more on the plane, though,” I chuckled. “Maybe I should’ve flown over with you and all the bachelors on your family’s private jet?”

He laughed and took my hand into his. “Let’s get you up to your room,” he said, turning and weaving through the people moving around the area, having their glasses of champagne refilled.

“You’re staying with me, right?” I questioned, unsure of the arrangements. “I have no idea what the plans are.”

“Tonight, we meet my parents,” he said, stepping over to a set of elevators where a group of people waited. “And given that I will be in the thick of the bullshit with my brothers and entertaining guests as my mother’s most loyal son,” he said with a wink and a laugh, “you most likely won’t be seeing much of me until after the wedding when we can officially break free of this ridiculous charade.”

“So, I won’t see you until tomorrow?”

I didn’t want to sound insecure or confused, but I thought I was only here to be with him while he dealt with this life he claimed he wanted nothing to do with.

“Pretty much. It’s typical wedding shit, so you know how all that goes. Once the event ends, everyone in the wedding party can be themselves again.”

“Oh, right,” I said, unsure of the next step. “Are you even staying on the same floor as me? So, we can sneak into each other’s rooms?” I teased as we stepped out of the elevator and turned down the exquisite hall leading to different rooms on the floor.

“I’m not staying on this wing. My family has a designated area where we stay while visiting the hotel, and as part of the groom’s party, I must be there for anything he needs.”

We walked into a large suite that stole the air from my lungs with its grandeur. My attention was drawn to a stunning terrace beyond the glass doors, where a table and two chairs awaited. I imagined a couple enjoying wine and cheese as the sun set over the Mediterranean, sitting here before attending a lavish dinner, or eating croissants and coffee in the morning.

This was beyond luxurious and more than I ever expected.

“Wow,” I said, completely taken by the beauty of all of this, “if this is my room, I can’t imagine what your family is staying in.”

“Anything that makes them feel more important than the bride and her family, of course,” he teased, then led me to a bar where there was wine on ice and a lovely platter of cured meats and cheeses that had been prepared and waiting for my arrival.

“I need to get dressed and freshen up for dinner tonight. I won’t be able to make it back in time to take you there because I’m rushing around and handling loose ends all day. It doesn’t matter, though. I’ll have staff escort you to the dinner reception.”

“John, wait,” I said. It was apparent that he was on autopilot. “I don’t need to attend any family dinners. I’m cool just relaxing in this awesome room and?—”

“Shit,” he said, sighing and running a hand through his hair. “You’re already uncomfortable, and that’s my fault.”

“It’s no one’s fault. I’m just a bit jet-lagged, obviously, and trying to adjust to a lifestyle I’ve only read about in magazines. I just expected we’d be in the same room, and you could prep me so I don’t feel out of place around your family. I’m a big girl, though. I can handle it just like I handled flying on an airplane by myself,” I laughed.
