Page 124 of Dr. Aster

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“I thought everything was delicious, thank you,” I smirked at John as he watched me, and then, as confidently as I could manage, I eyed everyone at the table. “I have no idea what any of it was, but it was wonderful. Thank you.”

A smirk appeared on John’s face, and the rest of the table looked at me as if I’d just spoken in a different language and they needed a translator to help them understand what I’d just said.

“Of course you don’t, sweetheart.” The condescending way John’s mom added that acknowledgment was enough to let me know my admission of ignorance and my attempt to make light of it had confirmed where I belonged, which was certainly not in this family. I wasn’t even a welcomed guest, much less a potential member of this active dysfunction, regardless of John’s wild fantasy that I could one day belong.

It was probably best to stop talking and return to the nodding in approval guest at this event because, even though I was capable and willing to stand up for myself, I wasn’t foolish enough to try to prove any points.

If I knew one thing from being raised by a strict and proper mother, it was when to keep my mouth shut, even when provoked to open it. So, I wasn’t trying to make some point to anyone at this table that I belonged here and should be treated with respect.

I didn’t belong here.

“And that’s okay,” I finally said since it seemed everyone was waiting for my response. “It’s always exciting to try new dishes, and I’m quite honored to be part of such a beautiful event.”

I settled on the grateful and humbled approach. Maybe that’s what everyone at the table was waiting for. The meek and lowly, lower-class girlfriend, who was lucky to be here, showing her appreciation for the opportunity to be in the company of such greatness?

Perhaps John should’ve given me a few more pointers for blending in with these people aside from needing a personal stylist and heirloom jewels.

“We are delighted you’ve joined us,” the groom finally spoke, flashing the only genuine smile I’d seen this evening aside from John’s.

I felt John’s tight, defensive energy suddenly dissipate; it was almost like a balloon inside him had popped.

Fuck, which one are you? I thought, scrambling for a name that eluded me. “Well, I’m delighted to be here,” I said.

“I think it’s time for Sebastian to speak on behalf of the bride and groom,” John’s dad said, ignoring the exchange between the future groom and me.

“Indeed,” John’s eldest brother stood, his brown irises dazzling with excitement, and walked up onto the lovely, Oscar-worthy stage.

“Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends. Good evening on behalf of the Aster and Melton families and the groom and bride. I thank each of you for joining us for this momentous occasion.

“Tomorrow, Mr. Marcus Aster and Ms. Pollyanna Melton will commit their lives to one another, marking the beginning of a new era. Standing before you on this joyous occasion to commence the upcoming events is truly an honor.

“As someone fortunate enough to come from a family that values the bonds that tie us together, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing the growth of my brother and the love that has blossomed between Ms. Melton and him. Tomorrow, we will gather to witness their union and to affirm our support for the journey they’re embarking on as a unified couple.”

Everyone clapped as Sebastian looked to our table in front of the stage and smiled at the honored couple. I immediately saw that Marcus looked like he was listening to someone read the eulogy at his funeral, but Pollyanna, a classically beautiful platinum blonde with high cheekbones gifted directly from the Nordic gods, wore an infectious smile. Her blue eyes sparkled in excitement under her long lashes and perfect eyebrows. The young woman was stunning and elegant, and I couldn’t understand why John’s brother seemed so horrified to marry her tomorrow.

“To my brother,” Sebastian went on with his speech after the audience quieted, “your kindness, resilience, and the love you share with Pollyanna inspire us all. As you two prepare to embark on this journey together, may your days be filled with laughter, your challenges be opportunities for growth, and your love deepen with each passing moment.”

“This is so fucking pathetic,” John managed to whisper in my ear in a way that made it look like he was inspired to kiss me by Sebastian’s words.

I ignored him and kept my fake smile plastered on my face so as not to cause a scene with anyone. Whether anyone heard him or not, John’s gesture had put eyes on us, and since I was the street rat in the room, it didn’t take much to spark people’s interest.

“And to you, Pollyanna; welcome to our family,” Sebastian continued. “Your presence has brought immeasurable joy to us already, and we are thrilled to have you as a part of our lives. May your union with my brother be filled with understanding, compassion, and unwavering support for each other’s dreams.”

During his speech, wait staff brought glasses of champagne for toasting, and Sebastian prompted everyone to raise their glasses by raising his first. “Let us celebrate the merger of two powerful families, the creation of new memories, and the enduring power of love. To Mark and Pollyanna, may your marriage tomorrow be a testament to the beauty of love, commitment, and a lifetime of shared happiness.”

The room erupted in subdued clapping and cheering after everyone sipped their champagne. Instead of feeling like an alien amongst the rich and famous, I slid into the role. I held my champagne glass and smiled at Mark’s thundercloud expression, gently clapping my fingers against my palm as delicately as I’d seen the older brother’s wife do.

It was easy for me to pretend I was at the Academy Awards. It was neat to be a part of, but not a lifestyle I would ever want. So, I hoped that if John and I became more serious and?—

God help his poor mother—he proposed marriage, this type of scene wouldn’t be expected of us.

Imagining my dad, Coach Smith, sitting next to me at this event, wearing a tux and picking apart the partridge, made me nearly burst into laughter. I could hear his comments in my head now: ‘I hope y’all got a pear tree to go along with this partridge cuz there ain’t no meat on it,’ or ‘Egg souffle? We call that scrambled eggs in Tennessee, and we don’t eat it for supper,’ or my favorite, ‘Champagne? Hell, no. You got a beer somewhere back there?’

My family wasn’t just worlds apart from John’s, we were lightyears apart.

“Darling, that was lovely,” Sebastian’s wife said after he rejoined the table.

“Not as lovely as you,” he answered her.

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