Page 19 of Dr. Aster

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She smiled while abandoning her dinner and opting for her wine instead, “I’m truly sorry about your friend’s diagnosis.”

“Ash is a great girl,” I said, wanting to bring light into this dark conversation.

“Well, after seeing you work your charm, I couldn’t imagine her being in better hands.”

I found this softer side of her so appealing, and it made me even more curious about the mystery hidden behind her green eyes. There was much more behind her solid exterior, and I had an enormous desire to know more.

Something was so different about her compared to other women I’d dated or even befriended, and I really couldn’t judge what it was. Maybe it was just really fucking nice to be out with a beautiful woman and have a conversation where she wasn’t flirting with me or acting like she’d be the one to fix me and turn me into the marrying type.

I just loved that she was classy, casual, and capable of engaging in an interesting conversation. She wasn’t flashing those bashful fuck me, Dr. Aster eyes like all the other women did, and even though I ate that up, I wasn’t attracted to it as one would think.

Funny, I never thought I could take a woman out and not grow bored of her if she wasn’t totally into me. And yet, here I was, enjoying every second of a normal conversation with a woman who couldn’t care less about me. And I was damn near mesmerized.

Chapter Eight


I had no idea how dinner with John would pan out, but it was better than I imagined. Our conversation was pretty casual once we got off the topic of why I didn’t pursue an oncology specialty.

What I was learning about this guy was that he was super fun to be around, and it seemed like we had a lot in common. In all my years of having guy friends, I never hit it off with someone so well and enjoyed their company as much as I did with him.

It was all very comfortable, and after he pulled up to my aunt’s house to drop me off, I couldn’t resist inviting him to come in for a drink.

“You realize that if I join you in that incredible home, things can go sideways, and I’m not looking forward to you slapping me across the face because I grabbed your ass when I was half drunk.”

I smiled at him, “I’ve been feeling you out all night, and the temptation won’t even cross your mind.”

“You think so, eh?”

“I know so,” I answered. “Now,” I opened my car door, “are you coming in for a quick drink or not?”

“Probably shouldn’t drink and drive,” he said, eyeing me as I stepped out of the car.

“Fair enough,” I grinned. “It’s your loss. Oh,” I bent over, my eyes meeting his, “thanks for dinner. Tonight was lovely.”

I meant that, too. It was nice getting out and relaxing over a nice dinner with someone who made me feel comfortable. It didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes, either. It just sort of sucked that we had to concern ourselves with things going too far because I think he and I could’ve been pretty good friends.

I entered the house and punched in the code to shut off the security alarm, and then I practically jumped into the wall next to the door when a loud clanging echoed through the house.

“Jesus Christ,” I said, startled by the knock at the door I wasn’t expecting.

“Hey, gorgeous,” John said, his eyes glistening under the porch light in a way that was so sexy that I had to wonder if inviting him in was a good idea. “I changed my mind. Is that invitation to have a drink still open?”

“Probably not a good idea,” I answered truthfully with a chuckle. “You look way too handsome right now.”

His lips pulled up in the corner, “Let’s not pretend I didn’t look just as handsome when you extended the invitation as I do now.”

“Nah,” I crossed my arms and leaned into the doorframe, “you didn’t have that light shining down on you in a way that enhances your eyes, all angelic-like,” I teased.

“Bullshit,” he bantered back. “That flickering candlelight was lighting up these little hazel bad boys all romantically at that restaurant. Almost as much as this goddamn spotlight, blasting me like I just tried to break out of prison.”

I laughed, seeing him squint with the brightness of the front porch security light, “Get in here,” I said.

“Hot damn,” he said with a whistle, following me through the foyer. “This place is very nice.”

“Thanks,” I teased, wondering if I should let him keep thinking I owned the damn thing.

“I’m guessing your parents were loaded,” he said as we rounded the corner and walked into the sitting area where my aunt kept her top-shelf booze. “They moved out of town and gave the only child the keys to their fancy estate in Los Feliz?”
