Page 23 of Dr. Aster

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When I walked in, the operating room was buzzing with anticipation as Mickie prepared to perform the C-section. I watched the sides of her eyes wrinkle in humor as I approached, scrubbed in and ready to go.

“How’s our patient?” I asked Mickie while eyeing the expectant mother. The woman was seemingly anxious, and her husband sat calmly beside her behind the curtain pulled to shield her belly from view, wearing his protective, sterile covering.

“Lisa is feeling quite nervous,” Mickie walked over to make eye contact with our patient, “but you’re about to hold two beautiful babies in your arms.”

“Two for the price of one is how I see it,” I said. “Right, Dad?”

“We’re ready to do this, Doc,” he said.

“Dr. Smith, it’s go time,” I said, pulling on my surgical gloves about the same time Mickie did. I stepped over and stood across the patient where Mickie was about to make the incision. “All right, Dr. Smith. Let me see you work your magic.”

With tools in hand, Mickie’s eyes zeroed in on the woman’s belly. She went to work with a steady hand, using the metal scalpel to make a horizontal incision near the lower abdomen.

As the surgery progressed, I watched quietly as Mickie focused on each step, her hands steady and smooth, carefully following where her mind was leading her to cut as if she’d been doing this for years. Mickie was constant and patient, informing me of each operating move clearly and concisely.

I expected some apprehension on her part, maybe some nervous laughter, but I was very wrong to have done so. Her dedication and professionalism were impressive; she was much more confident than I was during my first few months. I couldn’t help but admire her.

I marveled at her skill, how she effortlessly navigated the delicate procedure, and her genuine care for the patient’s well-being. Maybe she would be the next chief of staff in the OB unit.

The excitement was palpable as the surgery reached its pivotal moment—the delivery of the twins. The entire room seemed to hold its breath as Mickie made the final incision and eased the first baby into the world. I instinctively moved closer to assist, my eyes locking with Mickie’s briefly.

The moment threatened to distract me completely, but thankfully, because I knew we had another baby waiting for us, I was able to keep charisma and lust out of the delivery room.

I turned to the nurse who waited to take the little girl in my hands, and Mickie announced the birth of their daughter as she worked to ease out baby number two successfully.

I watched in amusement as she locked eyes with the baby in her hands.

“Welcome, little man,” she said and then offered me the baby to hand to the second nurse waiting on us.

All hormones aside, I was blown away by Mickie’s steadiness and beauty while she delivered the two infants without fault. I never imagined this could be a hugely attractive quality, but there was always a first time for everything.

While I assisted Mickie in closing the woman’s abdomen, my mind drifted into a peaceful place where a silent understanding passed between us—it was a shared love for the work we did, the patients we cared for, and the trust we were building.

I’d never really been magnetically drawn to any other doctor like this before, and I’d assisted in many surgeries. Somehow, this one knocked me off my feet, and I found it rather nice.

I couldn’t help but smile at Mickie, seeing a mixture of accomplishment and awe washing over her expression. When she looked at me, I saw the glimmer of excitement in her dazzling green eyes, and for a second, my breath was stolen. I silently nodded, knowing my admiration for this woman grew stronger with each interaction.

I didn’t want to hide from the feeling. It was nice. It felt fucking real. And if I were completely honest, I’d never felt anything like it.

I had no idea why I was so drawn to every little detail about her, but I was, and I enjoyed it.

We walked out of the room, and the iridescent hallway lighting that led us away from the OR highlighted the soft curls of her hair after she pulled her surgical cap off and freed her long, auburn locks from its ponytail.

“Well?” she questioned. “Did I pass?”

“Dr. Alan was correct when he said this specialty was your calling,” I said, removing my surgical cap as I walked beside her.

“I’m happy he was impressed with my first C-section. I’m just glad I pulled this one off as well as the first.”

I stopped, prompting her to stop with me. A driving force within me demanded we learn more about each other; I wasn’t satisfied with basic hospital interaction.

“I want to take you out again,” I blurted out.

Her forehead wrinkled in humor, but the humor didn’t necessarily reach her beautiful eyes. “I don’t think that’s a great idea,” she said.

“Listen, I won’t pressure you into anything. I just really want to get to know you a bit better.”

“That’s why it wouldn’t be a good idea,” she said with an amused grin.
