Page 97 of Dr. Aster

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“I’m only Mikayla if my mother is mad at me,” I said, feeling more relaxed by the casual atmosphere. “Please, call me Mickie.”

We’d arrived at the lounge area, and Jim ended his conversation with Jake and another man and approached us, joining his wife.

“You made it,” Jim said, extending his hand to shake John’s.

“Wouldn’t miss it,” John said before turning to me. “This is Mickie. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you might’ve met already.”

“It’s a pleasure to have you, Mickie,” Jim said, shaking my hand formally but warmly. “I believe we met when my brother insisted I come and taste the pizza from the brick ovens we installed in the hospital kitchen?”

I nodded and smiled. Jim was much less stiff than when I’d first met him in passing. It was unbelievable how a three-piece suit changed everything about this man. Now, wearing a black leather jacket, light gray sweater, and denim jeans, he seemed much more approachable. That and it was endearing to see him steal a glance at his vibrant wife, his emerald eyes sparkling and setting off his onyx hair.

“It’s great to meet you in a more casual environment,” I said, inwardly cringing that I’d said something so stupid after I spent the last five minutes gawking at my surroundings.

“You think a private jet is a more casual environment than watching my brother choke down pizza at Saint John’s?” Jake said, bouncing over to us. The only difference between Jim’s and Jake’s features was that Jake had blue eyes, and Jim had green eyes. I would've believed they were twins if I hadn’t known Jim was the older of the two.

“True,” I chuckled, “but the pizza was pretty extravagant.”

“It’s dogshit, and Jim knows it,” another man said as he approached with a drop-dead gorgeous Latina woman. I recognized the man from the hospital but had never been introduced. “I’m Collin, and this is my wife, Elena.” He put his hand around the smiley woman with an air of pride that I thought was quite beautiful.

All my fears and insecurities of being with this group for the weekend had melted away. I could sense the kindness and welcoming moods from them all. They were all very genuine, and aside from the fact that everyone in attendance looked like they belonged on the cover of Vogue, they all seemed perfectly normal.

“Hey, Mickie,” I heard Ashley’s voice call out. It was a little hoarse sounding but still energetic. “Sorry to be the last to greet you. I have these bouts of nausea that come out of nowhere. Well,” she sighed and rolled her eyes, “let’s just be honest. When you shoot your body up with poison to kill poison, it sort of makes you want to barf your guts up,” she chuckled.

I could see the exhaustion in her eyes where the chemo had been taking its toll, but her willpower overshadowed it.

“You look good, Ashley,” I said honestly. “I mean, I know the chemo is trying to run you over, but I’m happy to see how well you’re doing with everything.”

“Well, it’s kicking my ass, that’s for sure,” she said with a laugh, “but it won’t beat me.”

I felt a sudden urge to hug her, probably because I was terrified of watching anyone battle cancer after losing my friend to it. I didn’t like to admit how much cancer scared me, but Ashley inspired me. She was a fucking champion in my mind.

Something told me that this trip would be therapeutic for me, maybe even more than it was intended for Ashley, and since all the kiddos were away, the party was just beginning.

The flight was exciting after I’d met everyone. Ashley, Avery, and Elena were incredibly down-to-earth, lively, and fun. They welcomed me very graciously, and I was filled with appreciation for that.

The men were in an entirely different class of crazy. It was funny because John had mentioned that he was more of an acquaintance to these men than anything, but you'd think they'd all grown up together after the way he and the other guys were buddied up.

It was refreshing to be around this type of friendly dynamic. Everyone fit together perfectly, like pieces to a puzzle.

As the sun set, we drove up to the house, and my mouth dropped open. A brief feeling of intimidation dropped over me, knowing that it was my guy who’d provided this home for us to stay in for the next four days.

This place was magnificent. Jake was driving with Ashley, his brother, and Avery in the SUV behind ours while Collin and Elena rode with us. The two black Escalades pulled up the curved stone driveway and parked in front of the granite staircase, reminding me of a tour I’d taken to Hearst Castle with Aunt Bev when I was little. I couldn’t believe people owned homes like this to use for only a few days a year. How could anyone have that much money?

Instead of allowing the grandeur of the home to intimidate me, I was fueled by the normalcy of everyone in the group. To them, this was just a beautiful home, and we were fortunate that John’s family allowed us to use it.

“Dr. Aster,” a man dressed smartly in a black and white suit said to John after he stepped out of the SUV.

John turned to face the man who descended the steps of the cabin-like estate. “Mr. Jenkins,” he said with a cheerful greeting. “I hope you’re ready for this crew. We’re not exactly like my parents or their guests if you follow me?”

“Of course, sir. We’re prepared, and, might I add, excited to serve you.”

“Please, meet everyone. This is the lovely Dr. Mikayla Smith,” John said, keeping titles formal, which seemed a bit weird. “Dr. Collin Brooks and his wife, Dr. Elena Brooks.”

“Lovely to meet you all.” The white-haired man spoke in a stiff yet sophisticated voice. “I do hope that the staff and I will meet all your needs on this visit,” he said, the fine wrinkles on his face giving the appearance that even though the man was highly formal and professional, he might’ve had a humorous side buried somewhere in there.

“And these are our other guests, Dr. Jacob Mitchell and his wife, Mrs. Ashley Mitchell. And, finally, Mr. James Mitchell and his wife, Mrs. Avery Mitchell.”

I watched how Avery and Ashley reacted like me in response to all this formality. I could also see that the wives of these guys were accustomed to having butlers, maids, and nannies.
