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He raised his brows. “You really are into this good boy image, aren’t you? You actually buy into all this hero nonsense?”

I scowled at him. I wasn’t naive. I knew that a hell of a lot of what we did benefitted government officials and their questionable allies far more than any common citizen, but I’d also participated in plenty of rescues where innocent lives were saved. After the childhood I’d had, maybe I did enjoy being one of the good guys. So fucking what?

I started to speak, but Matteo increased the pressure on my throat again.

“We’ve done too much talking already. That’s not what either of us are here for.”

I shoved him hard. He took a step back, but I knew it was voluntary.

“This bullshit is not what I came for either.” I reached for the doorknob, but Matteo grabbed my arm and yanked me back.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

I wrenched my arm free of his grasp. “The hell I’m not.”

“You want this as much as I do.”

“I want a good fuck. I don’t want whatever this is.”

He laughed. “You want every filthy thing I have planned for you.”

I hesitated too long because for some stupid reason I did. He smiled as he reached for me, wrapping a hand around my neck, and pulling me to him.

I gasped in shock when he kissed me. I never expected that from him. I thought he’d turn me to face the wall, yank my pants down, and shove himself inside me. I was prepared for that. I was prepared for pain, for struggle, and I knew how to isolate myself from that. I knew my adrenaline would spike, and I’d fucking love it. He’d make me come, then I’d leave, and we’d pretend it never happened until the next time we could both get away.

Fuck. Was I already thinking there’d be a next time? There shouldn’t be a this time, much less anything more.

I gripped his biceps harshly, letting him know I could hurt him too, but he just chuckled against my mouth. Matteo hadn’t just kissed me to catch me off guard. He seemed to lose himself in the act, and he was intoxicatingly good at giving me just what I wanted. I couldn’t fight my need for more.

He pulled away long enough to glance over at the bed. He clearly had the same thoughts I’d had earlier. There wasn’t anything else in the room except a dresser that would never stand up to the type of fucking we intended to do. “We’d be better off on the ground outside than on that mattress.”

I nodded as he pressed me back against the wall again. He pushed away the curtains that covered the grimy window. “Brace yourself on the windowsill.”

The window looked right out onto the sidewalk in front of the room. “Anyone who walks by will see us.”

“Anyone who walks by is likely high or looking to get that way. As long as it’s dark in here, no one can really see anything anyway.”

I shook my head.

“Do I have to force you?”

“You think you can?” My heart slammed against my chest. Part of me wanted him to, needed him to. I needed this to be a fight, for him to push hard so I didn’t have to care about fighting back and hurting him. I wanted to be justified in whatever I chose to do.

“Just how rough do you want this to be?” he asked in a voice that was low and gravelly.

“I don’t fucking care.”

He snarled as he shoved me toward the window. I turned, swinging at him, but he ducked and managed to knock my feet out from under me.

He was good. I knew that from sparring with him, but his strength still surprised me. During our workouts, he’d been holding back more than I’d realized.

He gripped my shoulders, squeezing hard and trying to keep me on my knees.

“I like you just like that.” He pushed his hips against me, rubbing the hard ridge of his cock against my face. I opened my mouth around him, looked up, and threatened to bite.

“You won’t. You need it too much.”

I pressed my teeth down, knowing it would take a hell of a lot of force to hurt him through his cargo pants.
