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A knock at the door had us both turning our heads. It was Worth.

“How are you feeling?” he asked as we motioned for him to come in.

“Better. Sore as fuck, but I’m more convinced I will eventually get back to normal than I was when I first woke up.”

“That’s good.”

“What are you doing up this early?” Carter asked.

Worth shrugged. “I haven’t been sleeping well.”

“Not enough men to wear you out?”

Worth frowned. “No, it’s….”

“What?” Carter asked, the teasing tone gone from his voice.

“It’s work. My mother keeps pushing for me to settle into a role, and it’s not what I want. My sister is so much better at comprehending financial markets, but of course mom wants her to run the arts charity with her—the role I’d rather have. She doesn’t seem to care what my brother does, and he’s the most driven of us all. He’s excited about law school and mom doesn’t even seem to care.”

“I know we tease you a lot,” Carter said. “But you’re awesome at the art fundraisers. Every time you work one, the foundation brings in record amounts. If your mother can’t see the value of that, tell her to fuck off. You don’t need to work with your family. You have enough money to just enjoy yourself or to start your own charity.”

“She’d never stop pestering me.” He sighed, then looked at me. “I’m sorry, the last thing you need to deal with is me whining. I just wanted to check on you and stopping by the hospital seemed better than a morning at the office.”

“Your work must really suck.”

Worth gave a bitter laugh. “It does, but not like being stuck here would. How much longer before you’re released? Do you know?”

“They’re saying I’ll be here at least until the end of the week. I’m so ready to go home.”

“And where exactly will that be?” Worth asked.

“Well….” We both looked at Carter.

“It will be with me in our new house.”


“I bought a house near Ford’s. Right now, movers are taking things there from my apartment. I know you’d probably like to be at the cabin, but you need more than I can provide there right now, like a gym and a pool and?—”

“You did not buy a house so I could do rehab there.”

“Yes, I did. I already told you I was spending money on your care.”

“But you?—”

“Did this because I want to, and you’re not going to argue with me.”

I turned to Worth to see if he was going to be on my side. The wistful look on his face made my chest tighten.

“Are you ok?” Carter asked him.

“I…yes. Sorry. I got lost in thought.”

Carter had said Worth wasn’t interested in having a serious relationship, but I wasn’t so sure, not with the way he was looking at us.

An alarm went off on Carter’s phone. “It’s time to get Matteo up and moving around.”

“I guess I should go then,” Worth said as he headed for the door.
