Page 126 of Grayson & Hartley

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I start to cough and immediately sit up in bed.

The entire cabin is engulfed by smoke, and in my periphery, I see the flames.

“Holy shit,” I mumble, lunging for Hartley.

She wakes, coughing as I tug on my shorts and wrap her in the sheet. “The cabin’s on fire!” I shout. “Hartley, are you okay?”

I hear sirens in the distance.

“Gray? What’s happening?” She can barely get the words out.

“Stay here. I need to find the best exit point.” I bundle her in the corner and pull the sheet up to cover her mouth and nose. Grabbing my shirt from the end of the bed, I hold it to my mouth and nose.

“Gray!" Her eyes show alarm.

“I’ll be right back. I have to find a way out.”

I run through the cabin but halt at the entry to the kitchen. The entire thing is up in flames.

“Grayson?” I hear through the window closest to me. “I’m coming in!” It’s Gabriel.

“No!” I yell back. “The fire’s in the kitchen and spreading fast. The only way out is through the bedroom window.”

Flames engulf the entire kitchen as smoke pours through the cabin. I dash back to the bedroom and pick Hartley up. She’s coughing a lot. Fuck.

I hear Gabriel’s voice again. “Stand back, I’m breaking the window.”

I do as he says, holding Hartley in my arms as she buries her face in my neck.

The heat coming from the kitchen is getting hotter and closer.

Then I hear the shatter of glass. Gabriel works quickly, his boot coming up to kick the sharp edges away.

“Give me Hartley,” he says as I move fast, handing her over into his arms.

Another pair of strong arms helps me out; it’s Brooklyn.

I dive over as he pulls me from the cabin. I cough uncontrollably as he drags me out and over toward a fire truck that’s just pulling up.

“Holy fuck, Gray,” he says. “What the fuck happened?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “Hartley…”

“She’s okay, Gabe has her.”

An ambulance pulls up a few minutes later and I turn to see the cabin fully ablaze. The flames lick up the structure so fast, it’s an inferno in no time. Smoke billows out and I stare in disbelief. The heat and the noise of glass shattering is unbearable.

Holy fucking shit.

We could’ve been killed.

“Hart?” I take her from Gabe as she coughs and tries to tell me she’s okay.

Gabe and I share a glance.

Smoke inhalation can be bad. And fuck knows how much of it we breathed in.

“Gray?” she whispers. “Are you okay?”
