Page 36 of Grayson & Hartley

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The fact she left her number has me in a better mood than I ever could have imagined on such a pivotal day in my life. I can’t wipe the fucking grin off my face.

It felt like thunder before, but now I have a spring in my step.

To think I paced the penthouse and made half a dozen crazy phone calls to try to track her down, and almost bribed the good staff at Casa Cipriani. I wasn't beyond doing anything to get her number until someone kindly reminded me of company policy and the privacy act.

It’s like gold in my hand as I keep staring at it. Needless to say, my stunned driver got a tip far bigger than what either of us anticipated. I’m feeling good. Better than when I woke to find her gone.

It was unusual for me when nervousness set in this morning when I woke up in that empty bed. Now I’m figuring Hartley had to catch her flight or something, not the fact she ran out on me at all. I did keep her up late. Regardless, that’s all water under the bridge as I prepare for my trip home with her number in my hand.

Coming home to Stoney Creek, Tennessee is something I’ve been planning for a long time.

Now I’m doing it, the facts in play are slightly daunting. Gabe's presence will pose a problem, as will adjusting to the family dynamic after being in Nashville for so long.

I’ve still had dealings with our distillery, mostly injecting money when we needed it. I love the transformation process, especially when Georgia-Blue recently mentioned re-branding our logo and creating new merchandise. She and Celeste are working on it, creating new staff uniforms, signage, and branding, featuring the new logo.

I have always had a voice in the production process and have stayed connected to marketing and advertising activities over the years. I just haven’t physically been there all the time.

Gabe has. He has been involved in every aspect, as was I initially. And I’m sure as soon as he sees me he’s going to sure let me know, once again, what I’ve missed out on and everything he’s been doing.

We had an argument when I was recently at our parents’ place for a family dinner to welcome me and Celeste back in Stoney Creek. It didn’t go well.

Mom and Dad also officially announced their retirement, and it more than ruffled Gabe’s feathers because my father hinted at me taking over, but didn’t outrightly say it. Largely because I’m the eldest and it’s sort of expected I’d return, despite the fact I haven’t physically been at the distillery since I moved to Nashville.

Settling into my seat on the plane, I am reassured by the fact that I have securely programmed Hartley's number into my cell in case I lose that freaking piece of paper. And all feels right with the world.

I don’t even have time to text her because I was almost late to board.

As I close my eyes in first class, my mind casts from Hartley back to the dynamics of moving home, and that unfortunate argument with Gabe.

It all started with Dad making a toast…

“So it’s official, family and friends. I’m declaring that in the coming weeks, me and Gayle are officially retiring from running Bassett Brothers Bourbon, and my dutiful sons and daughter can take the helm from here on in.”

Despite months of whispers, the room gasps. I guess them announcing it now makes it official. My mom leans over and gives dad a kiss on the cheek. I’m sitting next to Mom, and my brother Gabe next to Dad, then his daughter Trinity, followed by Brooklyn and his daughter Blake. Beau is sitting further down next to Celeste and Georgia. My aunt Patti, uncle Jack and my cousin Trudy, Callan’s little sister, are all down at the other end of the table.

“About time!” Uncle Jack calls out and laughter erupts around the table.

“Robert has done a wonderful job as head of the company,” Mom says, holding her champagne flute. “But it's time for us to step aside and take a load off. Our wonderful children are more than capable and we know the business has never been in better hands. We’re so lucky to have been blessed with the five of you…” When I glance across at my parents, I see dad hand her a tissue and he gives her a soft smile.

“I think we should make a toast,” he says, bending to peck Mom on the lips. Even after all these years, their love still remains strong. It’s something to aspire to.

“Wait a second!” Gabe calls out, at the same time I see Georgia facepalm her forehead.

What the fuck is Gabe doing now?

“What do you mean exactly, dad? You couldn’t be leaving the family legacy in better hands… than with Grayson?” He says my name like it’s so unfathomable to believe. An inconceivable fact.

Here we go. I take a breath, holding the bridge of my nose.

My dad turns to look at Gabe, looking surprised at the outburst. “You all have your roles in the company, Gabriel. That’s what I mean, all of you.”

Gabe looks completely offended by that idea “He’s been out of touch with the family business for quite a few years,” he says with more than an edge to his voice. He throws his hands up in the air for good measure and I roll my eyes.

“I’d hardly say out of touch!” I bite back when I’ve already heard enough of what he’s spouting.
