Page 40 of Grayson & Hartley

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That’s true but it didn't occur to me at the time. “I think we did it enough times to sink a battleship.”

“Said no one ever.” She laughs.

I can’t help but laugh, too. I was pretty broken by morning, my body tired and needing sustenance. “The man was a machine,” I sigh.

“You better make some plans with him before I hijack your cell and send him a message for you, telling him how great his dick was!”

I give her a shove. “Darbs!”

“Well, his dick sounded like a trophy to me. Please tell me he was big?”

I nod as Darby squeals excitedly.

I sigh, thinking of it and how good he smelled.


Never, ever, worry about waking me in the future, beautiful girl. I had the time of my life. I hope you did too. I hope we can do it again soon.

Darby squeals again as I call out the next message that followed, and then my reply.


I had an amazing time. I’m still thinking about it. I hope we can do it again, too.

I know it’s futile to think it, but if he goes to New York occasionally, could it happen?

“You’re a horn dog,” she says, looking quietly proud of me. “I’m happy you got some. It seems to have helped your temperament.”

I throw a corn chip at her out of the bowl. “Helped my temperament, how?”

“Well, you have been a little bit of a cranky pants lately.”

I roll my eyes. “Can you blame me? My boss hates me. He’s always riding my ass and acting like I’m a total fool. He hates me way less over email, so that’s something. I’m actually surprised he let me take this trip to New York.”

“Thank god he did, otherwise you’d never know the definition of a cream pie.”

I snort and a chip gets stuck in my throat. Darby kindly pats my back and I guzzle down half a glass of lemonade. “He did not cream pie me!”

“Let me live vicariously through you, please!”

I’m glad I have Darby to confide in, even if she is kinda guy crazy. Though my mind is on Gray, I know I have to get back to reality.

Little did I know three weeks later things would get much worse…

“I’m gonna miss this old place,” Darby says, looking around my vacated apartment.

I take a long breath, barely able to believe it myself.

So much has happened.

I’m still in contact with Gray, though I haven’t told him much about what’s going on with my dad and the fact I’m moving to help him run his law firm. Unfortunately, he has been in hospital with heart murmurs and my step-mom isn’t coping.

“Me too, but you know if you ever want a sea change, there’s lots of room in my new place.”

She smiles. “I might just take you up on that.”

I’m worried about my dad. I know he’s been downplaying his illness, and that’s the reason I’m going to Stoney Creek, Tennessee. Work was good about it, considering. After losing my mom to cancer many years ago, I never take anything for granted. Especially not time. I need to be with my family.
