Page 52 of Grayson & Hartley

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I wave my beer with a chuckle. “Nope, the ex hasn’t quite wiped me out just yet.”

He knows how hard divorce is, so I’m sure he didn’t mean it the way it came out. His estranged wife filed for divorce at the same time she ran out on them with barely any explanation.

“Hey, if I’m not allowed to talk shop, you’re not talking divorce, or any women troubles for that matter,” Brooklyn interjects.

“Here, here,” Hudson agrees.

“Problems in that department?” I chuckle, still trying to not be rude in front of my brothers and friends, but I need to fucking text Hartley back.

“Nope.” He sighs. Hudson's relationships with women never seem to last. I think it’s because of his moods and the way he throws himself into work. He has a cabin up in the mountains and spends his time between there and the cotton farm.

“You know, if you never leave work, you’re never going to find anyone.” Owen helpfully points out.

Hudson shrugs it off. “I’m here, ain’t I?” He looks around the bar, but it’s a weeknight and there are no chicks in the joint. The majority of patrons are males, doing what we are doing.

“I’m sensing tension of the female variety,” Gabe interjects, giving him a pat on the back. “I feel you, Huds. Ain’t no fine single ladies around these parts anymore.”

“Maybe we should look outside here, kinda like Grayson has.” Hudson grins toward me as he pulls another sip.

Fucker. I’m not prepared to talk about Hartley until I know what’s what. I see Callan chuckling to himself.

I’m not the kind of guy to brag about my conquests. I don’t even consider she was one in the first place.

Brooklyn splutters on his beer. “You mean your dry spell is up, brother?” he chuckles. “Nice going!”

Brooklyn has never had any problem pulling the ladies because he makes them laugh. I don’t know how. He’s annoying, but deep down, he’s a good guy and always has a fucking smile on his face.

Secretly, though, I don’t think he ever got over his ex-wife. I’ve often wondered why they ever let it go, especially when they still get along so well. I guess they were very young at the time and wanted different things.

“Ain’t no dry spell here,” I assure them. All bullshit, of course, except for my recent fling with Hartley. I don’t normally bullshit anyone, but I figure it’s the safer option with these fuckers.

I keep my cell firmly clasped in my hand until I can edge away for a moment to the gents so I can respond.

“Uh huh.” Daniel takes a dig, because they all know firsthand I haven’t been sleeping around.

“Seriously, did you meet someone?” Beau asks me, genuinely interested.

“Very briefly, in New York.” I sigh. No need to go into details. I give Hudson a look before he mouths off about anything else. Normally I’d be only too happy to admit after a bitter divorce and then quite a dry spell, I finally hooked up and how great it was. But it’s different with her. I don’t want to talk about her like that.

I swipe a hand over my face. For fuck’s sake, I’m turning into a sap.

“You’ll have pussy up to your eyeballs in no time.” Owen shrugs. He’s been happily married for years and they’re expecting their first kid. “You always were the ladies’ man. Fresh meat in town. I’m surprised you made it through the door.”

Everyone laughs as I flip him the bird.

“Funny fucker,” I muse dryly. “Unfortunately, a ten-year marriage from hell bled me dry.”

“Divorce will do that to you.” Gabe sighs and we share a knowing look.

“He’s gonna be fine.” Brooklyn gives me another hefty thump on the back. “Who couldn’t love this Bassett face?” He grabs my chin and gives it a shake while I shove his hand away.

“Some things never change around here.” I shake my head, laughing.

“Tell us more about Miss New York,” Hudson pipes up.

Clearly, my firm look of warning did little to shut him up.

“She’s Miss Boston, actually,” I say with a shrug. Feigning nonchalance might throw them all off the scent. “It was just a onetime thing, anyway. We were both passing through.”
