Page 56 of Grayson & Hartley

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Nope, he hasn’t mentioned that name before.

It takes me back… I scrunch my brow, but throw that idea out the window. It’s not a common name, but the Gray I know has already moved. I’m still too afraid to ask him in our texts if he was kidding about Alaska.

Plus, he never referred to himself as Grayson once that night, but that doesn’t mean that’s not his full name, I suppose. I shake my head. I’m being dramatic, although he was getting a divorce. According to him, his ex is a complete gold-digging, cheating bitch. Similar words that Regina used earlier for the soon to be ex Mrs. Bassett. Though she’s only referred to him as Mr. Bassett, not Gray or Grayson.

Okay, strike one. Not noticing my client’s first name. I was too busy trying to understand the complexities of the settlement, and I’ve only had a few minutes to do that. I haven’t had a chance to even look at the file properly because it’s a done deal. And I’m only sitting in on the appointment, but still. My heart starts to race, but I try to rationalize with myself.

I’m being ridiculous.

It’s impossible. There must be a million people in the world that share the name Grayson.

He’s the first one I’ve met, but still.

My dad is still looking at me as I stand there wide eyed. I quickly compose myself, wagging my finger. “There is no way Linda let you leave the house this morning! I’m going to call her right now.”

He ignores me. “I feel bad about you starting work so soon,” he says. “And I wanted to get you up to speed.”

I pique an eyebrow, tempted to threaten him with his wife again. “Dad, don’t be ridiculous. You know we talked about this. Regina is perfectly capable of finalizing things and filling me in at the same time. I’ve done a ton of cut and dry divorce cases. What did Linda say when you left?”

He looks a little sheepish. This has got to be a first.

“Does she even know?” I balk.

“I left her a note when she went to town to get me some things. I said I’d stop by and check how things were going. Like I said, Mr. Bassett is a…”

“Yeah, a big client, I know.” I roll my eyes. “You’ve said so a million times, Dad. But you’re in no fit state to be here at work four days after an almost heart-attack!”

“Angina,” he points out.

“Luckily it was only that!”

“I’ll stay for the meeting, then I’ll go home,” he insists, giving me a stern look.

I look at my dad pointedly. “I’m not happy, Dad, and Linda won’t be either when she finds out. We’re both worried about you.”

“I’m feeling fine.”

That’s really no excuse. “Did you talk to Patrick?”

“Yes, he was going to try to fly in for the weekend.”

“Oh, can he take the time off?”

Patrick is an even bigger workaholic than Dad.

“We’ll see,” he says. “You know how busy he is, saving lives every single day.”

Yes, there is that. Our savior, Patrick. Though, ‘we’ll see’ means he’s not coming.

He glances at his watch. “I’m going to go quickly chat with Regina, make sure everything is ready for the meeting with Grayson.”

My hands start to shake a little every time I hear that damned name now.

Grayson Bassett…

Nope. There is no way. It’s a fucking name! That’s all!

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