Page 69 of Grayson & Hartley

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Sounds good. Stone’s Throw Cafe?

I giggle as I read it. What a name.


Is that really what it’s called?


I guess you’re about to find out.


?? See you in an hour


I look forward to it.


Me too. How weird is this?


Clearly, not weird enough ??

I let the words hang. I need to see him.



A few hours earlier…

As soon as I get to my car, leaving her office, I hold my head in my hands. I can’t believe Keira could stoop this low. To try to ruin my one shot at happiness hitting me with the Coyote Run caveat? I can’t even help the pools of water that form in my eyes, threatening tears that are too good for her. Holding the backs of my palms up to my closed eyelids, I take a few breaths and recompose myself as I pull out my cell. Even though I’ve blocked her from all contact, I still know her number. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t even stop myself from hitting the button to dial.

She fucking needs to know my stance on this straight from my mouth, if she’ll even dare pick up.

Although I know Jim and now Hartley won't be pleased, it was Keira’s decision to handle things this way, not mine.

“Hello, Gray, what a pleasant surprise,” she purrs, answering after only three rings.

“Cut the crap, Keira,” I snarl.

“Aww. I take it you’ve gotten my latest correspondence?” My heart hammers in my chest at hearing her voice after so long. How could I have ever thought I was in love with this person? Was I blind?

“I’m just outside my lawyer’s office now,” I spit, not adding, you fucking bitch! In case she decides to record the conversation and use it for later. I wouldn’t put it past her. “What is this really about? Why are you doing this?”

She sighs. “Gray, you blocked me a long time ago. What do you expect? How else am I supposed to get you to take any notice?”

I scoff. “You’re unbelievable! What the fuck does Coyote Run have to do with you in all of this? You can’t have it. You will never have it.”

She laughs unsympathetically. “I see I got your attention, finally.”

“Because you won’t let me forget!” I yell. “Don’t you want to just move on and be finished with this? Now you try to go for the jugular? It isn’t in the prenup and you know it. You’re trying to delay this in some sick little game. It isn’t going to work.”

“I wanted to give it another chance, remember? You’re the one who ran to your lawyer the first chance you got.”
