Page 77 of Grayson & Hartley

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Aunt Patti gives me a warm smile as I peck her on the cheek when I leave.

I hope I haven’t made it fucking obvious that I’m besotted with my lawyer.

“See you Sunday?” she calls after me.

“You cookin’, Aunt Patti?”

“You got it. Bring Hartley if you’d like.”

Of course she knows her name. Everyone does by now.

“She’s my lawyer,” I say, rolling my eyes.

“So? She’s still gotta eat…”

I close the door and shake my head as we step outside. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be. I know all about embarrassing families. Starting with my dad.”

We walk toward her car. “Unless you’d like to come?”

She frowns. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”

“Why not? And before you say I’m your lawyer, it’s just a dinner invitation, plus you’d get to meet some of my annoying relatives and townsfolk. Aunt Patti’s cooking is legendary.”

She looks like she’s debating, but then her face softens. “Okay. I'm sure they can't disbar me for having dinner.”

I admire her seriousness. It’s hot. I like a woman who has principals. Not that she has to be this formal. Nobody in Stoney Creek would care if we’re dating, or fucking, or whatever the hell it is we’re doing… not that we’re doing anything right now, but I plan on changing all of that. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m coming for her.

Hartley Chambers hasn’t just fallen into my lap for no reason, this is exactly what Georgia talks about; fate and shit. I’m starting to believe there may be something in all the woo-woo stuff she’s always spouting.

“No, but do we really want your soon to be ex-wife to have anything else on you? Small towns aside, good news always travels fast.”

“Nobody in this town would give her the time of day. I tried to keep her extra-marital affairs quiet, but I have an overprotective sister, Georgia-Blue, and she may have just blurted it out to one too many people.”

“Is she older or younger?”

“Younger. The baby. She’s twins with Beau, but he’s half an hour older.”

“Your poor mother.”

“Yeah, she bore five of us.”

“Are all of you good looking?” A smile curls on her lips as I try to keep my manners in check. It is still mid-afternoon, after all. Bailing her up against the nearest wall while I have my way with her won’t go unnoticed.

“My dad blames my mom. He says she had him mesmerized on their first date.”

“Oh, really? How did they meet?”

“Now that’s a funny story. He pulled over in a snowstorm and rescued her on the side of the road from the blizzard. It was love at first sight.”

“Oh my gosh, that’s the sweetest thing.”

“Yeah, but my dad likes to stretch the story at family gatherings, sometimes for half an hour, when we all know the details because we’ve heard it a million times.” I smile at the thought. My parents' love for each other has always been strong. It’s what I strived for in my marriage. Unfortunately, I picked the wrong woman the first time round. “He tells it like it was only yesterday.”

She smiles, too. “That is a sweet story.”

“Especially because my mom’s lips were turning blue. If she’d been stuck there any longer, who knows what would’ve happened.”
