Page 83 of Grayson & Hartley

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“How is Grayson going with his divorce?” Verne asks, but she doesn’t look at me. She’s looking at his sister.

Georgia pulls a face. “Urgh, don’t ask. Bitch face certainly doesn’t get any classier as time goes on. That’s something we can all agree on. I swear to god if she ever shows up around here, the sheriff is going to have to restrain me from whoopin’ her ass.”

“Language,” Verne tuts, then adds, “the usual, darlin’?”

Georgia beams. “Yes, please. But Hartley was first.”

“I’m still deciding,” I reply. “But you go right ahead.”

“The mocha’s here are to die for,” Georgia goes on. “Though essentially it is a winter drink, I can equally recommend the vanilla latte. I don’t know what Verne puts in it, but I swear to God it chases the blues away.”

“You kiss your mama with that mouth?” Verne looks over the top of her glasses at Georgia.

I roll my lips. “I think I’ll take a vanilla latte, and maybe a box of your favorite treats for the office, please.”

She smiles in appreciation. “Coming right up.”

“So,” Georgia says, the minute Verne turns and starts to prepare our orders. She looks me up and down with a smile on her face. “I can see why my brother is walking around whistling like a schoolboy. No offense to your dad, but you’re prettier.”

“Thanks, I think?”

Gray is walking around whistling?

She leans closer. “Don’t be put off by him. He’s very grouchy, not as grouchy as his best friend Hudson, the man I call GP; that stands for grumpy pants. I swear the two of them could start a lonely hearts club the way they carry on.”

This is news to me. Maybe Georgia might be a good source of information. “I’m sure Gray is just happy that his divorce may be over soon. These things tend to drag out.”

“He only lets people he really likes call him Gray,” she tells me, giving me a little eyebrow wiggle. “And I agree with you. As soon as we get that bitch face off his back, he can go on his merry way and start living again.”

“I heard that,” Verne says from behind the pastry cabinet.

“I meant you to,” Georgia singsongs back, then lowers her voice. “So, how are you liking Stoney Creek? I’m sure it’s no way near as exciting as Boston.”

I smile. “So far I’m loving it. I’ve always loved the idea of country life. For some reason, I thought moving to a small town would be a little boring, but there seems to be enough going on around here to keep me occupied.”

“Ugh, wait till you come to boot scooting and drinks on Saturday nights at Moose’s. It’s a real slice of country heaven,” she tells me. “But we have a lot of fun and if you can stay on the raging Moose for longer than five seconds, you might even win a prize.”

I laugh. “Raging Moose?”

“Yeah. it’s Stoney Creek’s version of a riding bull.” She cackles. “Of course GP, Hudson, holds the record, but it’s kinda like cheating since he used to ride bulls.”

“Is that seriously a thing?”

She gapes at me. “Uh, yeah. Where have you been living?” She gives me a playful smile. “The Raging Moose is kinda famous. We tried to get Keith Urban to ride it when he was in town one time, but sadly, he declined. Such a stick in the mud.”

I laugh. “Keith Urban?”

“Yeh, he loves Verne’s honey and macadamia cupcakes. They’re famous now.” She laughs.

I balk as Georgia nods enthusiastically.

“I guess Gray does know a lot of people in the industry due to his business.”

“Yeah, and I swear to god it gave him gray hairs,” she says. “He’s so much more relaxed now he’s back home.” She leans closer and whispers. “None of us liked Keira. We all thought she was a money stealing, gold digging, two-faced, high falutin’, cock-sucking…”

“Georgia-Blue Bassett!” Verne chastises. “I should wash your mouth out with soap!”

Georgia gives me another eye roll. “Sorry, Verne, but we are talking about Grayson’s ex-wife. She’s said plenty of things about my brother that would make you want to slap her, too. Trust me on that.”
