Page 95 of Love You Anyway

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“Okay, come on. Spill.” Archer isn’t normally the one eager for gossip, but now that we’re not in dire financial straits, even he’s mellowed out a bit.

“Mallory Rutherford just asked me out. In a text.”

Jackson’s groan cuts through the night air. He puts his arm around Ruby protectively, and I recall that she was once jealous of Jackson taking Mallory to an industry event. It’s ancient history now that they’re in love, but my brother doesn’t have many good things to say about Mallory.

“I know, I know. She’s not your favorite,” Dash says, still grinning. The guy can convince any woman he wants to go out with him, so I can’t imagine why he’s so jazzed about Mallory. He’s never mentioned her before.

“She asked you out?” Beatrix clarifies, jutting her hip to the side and crossing her arms.

“Yup. You know the rumor that her family is thinking of selling some property. And we need more cabernet grapes if we want to grow the business, so maybe it’s not the worst thing in the world if I show her a good time and earn a spot in line to buy more land. Especially since we don’t know what this Graham dude is up to.”

“Don’t do it,” Jackson says.

“Why not?” Dash looks like an eager puppy about to lose his chew toy.

“She’s a nightmare. She’ll come onto you and make you feel things you’ll regret later on, trust me.”

I catch the glimmer of a frown on Ruby’s face until Jackson pulls her close and wipes away the expression with a kiss. “All in the past, Ginger,” he says. “You’re my future.”

Dash shrugs. “Sounds like fun to me.”

My siblings continue to debate whether Dash should date Mallory and spin theories on why she suddenly asked him out. I don’t get to engage much more because Colin texts that he’salready at the private table next door. “Okay, you guys. Save some of the gossip for me. I’ll be back after our dinner in a bit.”

They barely acknowledge my exit, but I no longer look at situations like that as proof they don’t take me seriously. They’re my family. I know they love me and mostly see the best in me. But more than that, I see the best in myself.

I hear Beatrix cackle at something Archer said as I make my way past the potted plants that separate the two dining areas. Colin stands by our table in a dark suit, which is unusual for him unless he has a board meeting. I don’t recall him having one today.

“Oh my gosh, you wouldn’t believe the conversation happening over there…” I make a beeline to where he stands holding a bunch of late summer peach roses tied with a raffia string.

“Hi,” he says, ignoring my gossip.

“Hi.” Seeing him makes me smile so widely that my cheeks hurt. I can’t help it. This is what happiness feels like, and I’m not willing to rein it in one bit. His eyes hold mine, and I forget all about what I cared about thirty seconds ago.

“Everything okay? Did you just come from a meeting?” I gesture to the suit.

“No, I wore this for you.”

I look down at my long linen dress under a bulky cardigan. It’s fine for dinner, but no match for his attire. “I would have dressed up…”

“You look beautiful.”

Colin looks serious, maybe even nervous, when he lowers himself to one knee in front of me. “Just you and me, hopefully for a very long time.”

My heart, which was already zinging around in my chest at the sight of him looking so delectable, now starts hammeringlike a woodpecker on crack. “Colin…is this? Are you…? God, why do I have such a hard time forming sentences around you?”

He laughs. “You are one of the most wise and articulate people I’ve ever met, PJ ‘Junebug’ Corbett. And if I make it hard to form words, it’s only because we don’t need any.”

I nod slowly, my breathing beginning to steady as my heart gets fully onboard with what’s happening. And I love it. “Maybe just a few. I love you, Colin Hathaway. That’s it. Those are the only important words.”

“God, PJ, I love you so fucking much.”

The poor guy has been on one knee for a while now, and I’m starting to worry that it’s really uncomfortable. “Ask me, Colin. I promise I’ll say yes.”

“PJ, you’re it for me. I love you more than I love the infinite possibilities of the universe because I see infinite possibilities in you. In us.” My whole body collapses in a giant sigh. “Will you spend your life with me? Will you be my wife?”

I nod. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

He produces a ring box and opens it. I don’t know what I expected an engagement ring from Colin to look like—I never allowed myself to imagine it. But this ring with its beautiful solitaire diamond that looks like a star in the sky is the most beautiful, perfect thing I can imagine.
