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"You're really warm," I comment, a bit surprised at how his heat rolls off him in waves, though it's pleasant.

He chuckles lightly, a cheeky undertone in his voice. "One of the perks of being me, I suppose."

Then, almost as if offering an unspoken invitation, he shifts slightly, allowing more of his warmth to reach me. It's a silent offer of comfort, of shared body heat in the chill of the night.

Hesitantly, yet gratefully, I scoot closer, allowing myself to accept the warmth he provides.

“Come here if you’re cold,” he rumbles.

This was stupid, to tempt fate, but I trust him.

As I move nearer, I find a spot beside him, laying my head cautiously against his chest. The sound of his steady heartbeat is soothing, a rhythmic thrum that resonates against my ear. I can feel the rise and fall of his chest with each breath he takes, a gentle, reassuring motion. The warmth of his body envelops me, chasing away the cold that had seeped into my bones.

It's a warmth that's not just physical; it's almost like an embrace, providing a sense of safety and comfort that I hadn't known I was seeking.

His body against mine, both foreign and familiar, stirs a mixture of emotions that I can't quite untangle.

I’ve never slept with any of the boys I've dated before, and Aiden’s not a boy. He’s a man. I’ve definitely never slept with a man before. He smells good, and his body is solid and strong. Even his fingers, which stroke along my shoulder, are steady, constant.

I breathe a sigh of contentment, relaxing into his touch.

At this moment, lying beside him, I find a sense of peace that had eluded me since arriving at the cabin. The unease and fear that had been my constant companions since the accident are slowly being replaced by a feeling of security as if in his presence, nothing could harm me.

It's a comforting thought and one that I allow myself to bask in, even if just for the night.



As the first light of dawn filters through the cabin, I open my eyes to see… my mate.

Emma’s pressed tightly against me, her breaths soft and even in sleep. In the quiet of the morning, I take a moment to watch her, appreciating the calm serenity on her face.

Her hair fans out on the pillow, catching the morning light, and I'm struck by how different she seems in her slumber – vulnerable yet utterly peaceful. The tension that had knotted her features since her arrival seems to have eased, and in its place is a tranquility that I silently vow to protect.

As she begins to stir, her movements gentle against the dawn's stillness, I softly say, "Good morning, Bunny."

"Bunny?" she mumbles, her voice husky with sleep, her big brown eyes blinking open in confusion.

Her puzzled expression pulls a smile from me.

"Well, you were caught in a trap, just like a bunny.” I reach out, brushing some of her hair back from her face, from those eyes, I can’t get enough of. "And you remind me of one, with those big, expressive brown eyes."

Her confusion gives way to a laugh, a sound that's light and genuine, filling the room with its warmth. It's a laugh that speaks of a newfound ease between us, a connection that had taken root in the strangest of circumstances and now begins to bloom in the light of the new day.

Emma's laughter fades into a playful smile. "If I'm a bunny, then that makes you… hm, a wolf," she teases, her voice tinged with a hint of daring, even as she leans into my touch.

Oh, what a smart little bunny she is. She has no idea how correct her assumption was.

As I continue to brush my fingers gently through her hair, I'm keenly aware of every small reaction from her – the way her eyes soften, the low hum of approval she makes. Her hair feels soft and silky under my touch.

"How's your leg?" I ask, stroking her cheek.

"Fine. Better."

Gradually, my hand moves from her hair to her face, my thumb tracing over her cheek with a tenderness that's as natural as breathing. As our eyes meet, there’s a desire that mirrors my own in their depths.

She crawls closer, closing the small gap between us, and then, to my surprise, she kisses me. Her lips are soft, tentative at first, but growing more confident.
