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Her body presses against mine, and the gentle curve of her breasts mold against me, sending a wave of desire coursing through me. The sensation is unexpected, intense, igniting a fire within me that I struggle to keep under control.

Cradling her face in my hands, I murmur, "Careful," even as my restraint begins to waver.

Her eyes, wide and dilated, lock onto mine. There's a heat there, an unspoken invitation that's impossible to ignore. I can smell the subtle change in her scent, a hint of arousal that mingles with her natural fragrance.

"I've been wanting to do that," she confesses, the words barely a whisper, “since I first saw you.”

Her words draw a groan from me.

Leaning in, I kiss her, a deep, lingering kiss. It's a kiss that bridges the gap between protector and something more, a kiss that acknowledges the undeniable attraction that has simmered beneath the surface since our paths crossed.

It feels right, kissing my Emma, my little mate.

So right, that I want more. My wolf is greedy like that and I pull her closer. Her breath hitches, her mouth opens, and my tongue enters her there, tasting her fully. How can anyone taste so wonderful?

The only thing that could rival the taste of her mouth is the taste of her cunt, and the thought alone sends heat low in my belly, making me harder.

“Oh…” she murmurs, as the kiss breaks, looking up at me with wide eyes.

Emma's closeness, her warmth against me, it's all fueling this deepening need, a longing that's both new and profound. My cock is pressed against her soft hips as I look down into her eyes.

She looks so innocent, like this, and I’ve never wanted anything more.

“Let me make you feel incredible, little Bunny." I kiss her neck, under her ear, and the sound she makes nearly draws another groan from me.

But just as the moment intensifies, a sharp knock at the door jolts us back to reality.

We pull away from each other, our breaths heavy, a mix of emotions reflected in our eyes. The sudden intrusion is like a cold splash of water, abrupt, unwelcome.

I tense up immediately as the scent of the knocker hits my nose. It carries the heavy, acrid smell of sweat and dirt, a scent that speaks of long hours spent in the wilderness. There's an underlying note of gun oil and metal, likely from handling weapons, and a faint hint of tobacco, a smoky layer that clings to their clothing and skin.

That knock isn't just an interruption—it's a threat. The scent paints a clear picture in my mind – these are men who spend their lives in the wild, not for the love of nature, but for more sinister pursuits.

They've been a constant menace in these woods, and now, they come to my door when I’m with my mate?

My body shifts just enough to allow my hackles to rise, a low growl forming in my throat as I climb from the bed, away from Emma’s soft, lovely body.

“Who is it?” she asks.

Does she sound scared? I want to comfort, to soothe her. That’s what a mate does, so I force my expression to be calmer before looking back at her, motioning for her to quiet.

My mind races as I consider our options. Protecting her is my top priority.

“It’s the poachers.”


(To read this chapter from Emma's perspective, click here:



Aiden turns to me, his eyes holding a storm of emotions.

"It’s the poachers.”

Seeing the fear flicker in my eyes, he softens his expression and reaches out, gently placing his hands on my shoulders.
