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His jaw clenches, and I watch as the muscle there tightens and pops. He looks upset, and my stomach drops.

“What’s wrong? What’s happened?” I ask, fear threatening to choke me.

“What? Nothing. There’s been no sign of the men since last night.”

“Oh, you looked upset, and I just assumed…”

“You’re safe here, Frankie. I promise.”

I nod, forcing myself to turn back to the pizza.

“There can’t be that many places to stay in Aspen Ridge,” I comment, and he grunts as he comes closer, looking at the baked goods longingly.

“There’s not, but it’s peak tourist season, and there are too many scents at the ski resort,” he comments.

I frown.

“Scents? Oh, are you using dogs to track them?” I ask, and he tenses.

He grunts, and I frown at his strange reaction.

“Are you hungry? I’m making pizza.”

“Sounds good.”

“What do you like on yours?”

“Whatever you’re having,” he says easily.

He takes a step toward me and then stiffens and retreats two steps.

“Are you okay?” I ask, staring at him curiously.

“I’m fine. When will the food be done?”

“About fifteen minutes.”

He nods and then stomps his way back out the back door. I watch him go in confusion, wondering about his change in attitude.

The oven beeps at me, letting me know it’s reached the right temperature, and I slide the pizza into the oven and set the timer.

I turn to start cleaning up and let my mind wander as I wipe the flour off of the counters and get started on the dishes.

I want to find the men and make them leave me alone, but I can’t help but wonder what will happen once they’re dealt with. I’ll have to leave Gunner’s place. I could stay in Aspen Ridge, but would seeing him all the time just make everything harder? I don’t want to leave Cameron, but I have a feeling that being around Gunner all of the time but not being with him will break my heart.

The timer goes off, and I startle, adding the bowl I was washing to the drying rack and going to pull our dinner out of the oven.

I set it to cool and open the back door to let Gunner know dinner is done. As soon as I open the door, though, he stiffens, and I pause.

What is going on with him today? He’s been on edge since we woke up. Could this really all just be because of the men after me? I mean, I guess it must be. What else could it be?

“Uh, dinner is done.”

“Be right there,” he says gruffly, and I nod, closing the door.

I grab two plates and cut us each a slice. He comes in as I’m sitting down, getting ready to eat, and offers me a tight smile.

“Smells good.”
