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“We’ll get these guys soon,” he assures me. “Then you can get your mate.”

“Sure. When are you going to get yours?” I ask him.

“I’m not.”

“Why not?” I snap.

“She’s human.”

“So what? Cameron and Elle are human, and they’re fated mates to Davis and Niko. They haven’t had any problems,” I point out.

“They haven’t, but you never know.”

“Never know what? What do you think is going to happen?”

“She’ll change her mind. Humans are fickle. Shifters are only with their fated mates, but it’s not that way with humans. They can fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat,” he tells me and I frown.

“I don’t think that will happen to you,” I try to assure him.

“But you don’t know if that will happen. It could, and I don’t want to take that risk.”

He’s firm on that, and I remember that his mom left his dad when he was young. It’s really rare in the shifter world, but it still happens. I’m sure that has to mess a person up. Still, I wish that he would give Tessa a chance.

“Want to come inside?” I ask him.

“I shouldn’t. I’m going to do another round before I head home. Flint and Alec are going to be on watch tonight.”

“Okay, thanks.”

He nods, and I watch him shift and take off down the trail. I take a deep breath, trying to control my bear as we head back inside.

Frankie looks up at me as I close the door, and as soon as her blue eyes find mine, my bear lunges, trying to break free and get to her.

Soon,I promise him.

I give her a tight smile as I head into the kitchen and try to forget about being with the curvy girl in the next room



I push the cookies,brownies, and cinnamon rolls to the side and sigh as I begin to roll out my pizza dough. I’ve been baking all day, trying to do what I can to take my mind off of my father’s call and the men that I saw in town yesterday. It hasn’t really worked, but I know that Gunner will be happy about all the baked goods.

He’s been home all day but mostly outside. I’ve been watching him out the window as he paces around, takes phone calls, and then paces some more. He’s been acting strange today, and I know the threat against me must have him worried, too.

I’m freaked out. I’ve felt off all day. It’s like there’s too much energy running along my skin. I can’t seem to take my eyes off Gunner, and all of these feelings that I’ve tried to repress since I met him keep bubbling up.

I wonder if it’s because he’s promised to take care of me and he vowed to kill for me. That seems so caveman, and I never thought that I would be into that, but with Gunner, apparently, I am.

What would it be like to have him pressed up against me? Would he growl in my ear all of the things that he wants to do to me? Would he make love to me sweet and slow or hard and fast?

My breath quickens, and I tear my eyes away from his tall form and back to the dough I’ve squeezed in my hands. I roll it back out and try to form a circle with it again.

What has gotten into me? I’ve never had a sexual thought a day in my life, but today I woke up and it seems to be all that I can think about.

Must be the full moon tonight,I think, with a wry smile.Doesn’t crazy stuff always happen on full moons?

I add sauce and cheese to the pizza as the back door opens, and Gunner comes inside. I glance at him, unable to not look at him when he’s nearby, and my core clenches at the sight of his powerful body.
