Page 33 of The Sniper

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“Because he killed people, duh,” Hunter says with a roll of his eyes.

We try not to laugh, but this kid is effortlessly funny.

“My sweetheart didn’t kill anyone,” Alina says with a kiss on my cheek. “They called him The Sniper because he had the most accurate shot of all time. If the goalie was foolish enough to leave one tiny hole open, Sebastian would slide the puck in, no matter where it was.”

“Yeah, Hunter,” Nancy says with a stern look that reminds me of her grandmother.

My daughter-in-law Wendy is reading the plaque on the wall. “It’s amazing,” she says as she turns around and looks at me in awe. “After all these years, you’re still the league’s top scorer.”

I’m the top scorer in hockey and I swear I am in marriage too. I bet if you added it all up, I’m the top scorer when it comes to husbands and wives. I could never get enough of my pretty little wife. Even now that we’re in our late seventies, my appetite for Alina is still insatiable.

“A couple of hot shots have come close to Dad’s record over the years,” my son Shawn says. “But he’s still too far ahead for anyone to catch up.”

“With teammates like Austin Gambill, Harris Sutton, Tucker McKinstry, and Edvard Svensson, it was easy,” I say, smiling as I remember carving up the ice with those guys. We were really something to see.

We turned the Hyenas from the worst team in the league into an epic dynasty that might never be beaten.

But as talented as I was, I could never have done it without Alina.

She was my rock.

My soul mate.

She gave me more than unimportant records and silly stats.

She gave me a family.

A loving home to return to.

A future to look forward to.

And even if we don’t have much time left, I’m going to cherish every second I have with my girl.

Just like I’ve always done.

The End!
